Saturday, 31 August 2013

Die Voorskrifte van die Here - Deut. 6:1-9

Deut. 6:1-9  se WAARHEDE:
Vs. 1 – Die Wet en die bepalings en die voorskrifte kom van die Here God – God het vir Moses beveel om dit vir die volk te leer.
Vs. 2 – Die voorskrifte leer ons hoe om die Here God te dien en gehoorsaam en ook hoe die nageslagte dit moet doen – belofte ‘n lang lewe.
Vs. 3  - Gehoorsaamheid aan God en sy gebooie, en leef soos dit voorgeskryf is, sal voorspoed bring en volk sal vermeerder en land oorloop van melk en heuning.  Dit is nie voorspoed teologie wat gepreek word nie, maar as God in beheer is van jou lewe, gee Hy wat jy nodig het.
Vs. 4 – Die Here onse God is die enigste Here – ander volke se gode kan nie help nie.  Onse God is die enigste Here en as sy kinders moet ons anders wees as die ander volke wie nie in God glo nie.  Kinders hoor deesdae so baie verkeerde gedagtes oor God – dat Hy nie bestaan nie of dat Hy nie die Skepper-God is nie of dat Jesus nie opgestaan het uit die dood nie, ens.  Ons moet dus vir ons kinders bid en leer en toerus sodat hul kan staande bly.
Vs. 5 – Omdat God die enigste God is, moet ons Hom liefhê met hart en siel en met al ons krag.
Vs. 6 – Die gebooie moet in ons gedagtes bly – in jou hart.  Die kinders moet kan sien dat as jy van die Here praat Hy jou beste Vriend is – dat jy Hom met oorgawe dien.
Vs. 7 – Jy moet die gebooie wat in jou gedagtes is, vir jou kinders inskerp – praat met hulle daaroor by jou huis, op pad, in die kerk, met slaaptyd met huisgodsdiens.
Vs. 8-9 – Bind die riglyne oor hoe om te leef as herinneringsteken aan jou hande op jou voorkop, deurkosyne, stadspoorte.  Leer kinders om Bybelverse te memoriseer en dit in herinnering te roep as hulle dit nodig het. Verkondig die Woord en Bybellesse aan kinders sodat hul kan glo in Jesus Christus, ons Here.
Persoonlike toepassing op my:  Ek moet so leef met God se gebooie in my gedagtes en hart teenoor ‘n  kind, dat hy/sy deur my voorbeeld sonder dat ek ‘n woord praat, weet ek het ‘n verhouding met my Hemelse Vader en vir Jesus aanneem as hul Verlosser en Hom  dien.
Gebed:  Here help my om so ‘n voorbeeld te wees dat kinders ( my eie en die kinders met wie ek werk)  vir U beter kan leer ken. Help my om Bybelse Waarhede so duidelik oor te dra dat kinders die Waarhede sal weet en sal toepas in hul lewens.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

God's guidance

Quiet time Calendar for a month about God’s guidance: Read the verse for each day of the month and the headings in red for that particular day.

1. God will guide you every day of your life – Ps. 48:14     
 How can you receive God’s guidance? (2-9)
2  Receive Jesus as your Saviour –
 John 8:47
3   Make God Nr. 1 in your life – Psalm 141:8
4  Have a quiet time each day  - 
Psalm 143:8
5  Listen to God –
John 10:27
6  Trust God completely –
 Proverbs 3:5
7  Be patient   - 
Psalm 40:1
8 Ask God for guidance  -  Psalm 25:4
9  Be humble  -
 Psalm 25:9
Benefits from God’s guidance: (10-11)
10  Peace during tough times  -
 Psalm 23:2
11  Wisdom and understanding  -  Proverbs 4:11
God guides you as you read the Bible: (12-13)
12 God’s Word is a guiding light  - 
Psalm. 119:105
13 Knowing God’s Word helps you not to sin  -  Psalm 37:31
 Draw pictures to answer these questions:(14-15)
14  What two ways did God guide His people  -  Exodus 13:21
15 How will God guide you when you can’t go on?  -  Isaiah  40:29-31
God can be your guide because: (16-20)
16  He is like a Shepherd – Psalm 23:1
17 He can do all things – Job 42:2
18  He sees everything you do  - 
Proverbs 5:21
19  He is faithful -  Deuteronomy 7:9
20  He is strong  -  Philippians 4:19
What happens with you when God is your guide: (21-22)
21  You should be  -  Joshua 1:9
22 You should not be -  Isaiah 41:13
God cares about your future: (23-31)
23  Trust God with your future  -  Proverbs 16:3
24 God’s plan is the best  -  Proverbs 19:21
25 God has a purpose for your life – Philippians 2:13
26 God decides your future, not you  -  Proverbs 16:9
27  God has a good future for you -  Jeremiah 29:11
28 God has a book of your life  - 
Psalm 139:15-16; Proverbs 16:9
29  The Holy Spirit will guide you –
 Isaiah 30:21
30   God will be with you  -  Psalm 139:9-10
31 God will guide you to Heaven  -
 Psalm 73:24

                          Compare "Evangelizing Today”s child" - CEF magazine – March/April 2003           


Ons kleindogter Rebecca wat nou 2 jaar oud is, kom tweekeer per week by ons kuier en ek probeer ‘n program met haar deurwerk. Ek verstom my hoe oulik sy reageer en leer. 

1.  Die eerste rukkie is vir haar baie lekker as ons nog in die kamer is en sy saam met ons in die bed kan tee drink.
2. Daarna help sy bed opmaak en gee vir die eekhorinkie of tarentale of voëls kos deur die kamervenster. 
3. Dan volg ‘n program met klei speel.  Ons druk allerhande vormpies uit met die klei en pak die verskillende vorms bymekaar.  Dit is vir haar heerlik as Oupa saamspeel en ‘n klei roomys maak wat sy kamma moet eet!
4.  Daarna doen ons iets aktief soos balspeel of wegkruipertjie
5.  By die tyd is ons lekker honger en drink ons tee en eet broodjies – sy is veral lief vir stukkies kaas
6.  Na teetyd is dit tekentyd – sy geniet dit baie as ek vir haar hul huis en familie teken en sy dit kan inkleur!  Sy sit ook graag by my lessenaar waar baie kryt en papiere is en toets al die penne uit.
7.  Vir ‘n aantal minute kan sy dan ‘n peuterprogram kyk soos “Pocoyo”. Sy kan baie  goed met hierdie klein mannetjie identifiseer en lag lekker vir sy manewales.
8.   Ons laaste deel voor middagete, lees ek vir haar Engels en Afrikaanse boeke – ons het 8 boeke wat ons deurgaan en elke week wil sy weer almal hoor!  Sy is veral lief vir die Bybelboek en kan baie lank luister hoe ek die prente kortliks verduidelik.
9.  Klein Rebecca is baie lief om na fotos op Oupa of Ouma se slimfone te kyk.   Sodra ek middagete maak, sit sy graag by Oupa om fotos te kyk.
10. Rebecca hou daarvan as ons vir haar 'n huisie maak van komberse, kussings en stoele.  Al haar poppe en speelgoed word dan daarin gedra en haar telefoon is 'n baie belangrike deel van die huis en kort-kort praat sy met iemand oor die foon!  Partykeer moet Oupa en Ouma met moeite ook in die klein plekke ingeforseer word!!
11. Ons eet saam middagete en wag vir haar Mamma om haar te kom haal.  In warm weer speel ons buite of gaan stap ‘n ent tot sy kom. 

Iemand het gesê ‘n Oupa en ‘n Ouma raak verslaaf aan hul kleinkinders se aanraking.  Dit is absoluut ‘n voorreg om ons kleinkindersvan tyd tot tyd by ons te hê en hul te vertroetel, maar ook te beleef hoe hulle ons “vertroetel”!

Karaktertrekke van peuters – 0 – 2 jaar oud  -  Grootste behoefte is aan liefde!  

Wat doen hulle
Hoekom doen hulle dit
Hoe moet jy dit hanteer
Groei vinnig fisies en geestelik
Liggaam en brein groei
nou vinniger as hul hele lewe
Gee gebalanseerde kos
Gee nuwe ondervindinge en dinge om mee te speel.  Moedig hom/haar aan om nuwe dinge te probeer
Konstant aktief
Arm, been en groot spiere groei vinnig
Verwag van hom/haar om te beweeg en moedig dit aan .  Gebruik aksies en speletjies waar hy/sy kan deelneem
Val maklik en is ongekoödineerd
Kop is groot vir lyf
Verskaf ‘n veilig omgewing.  Moedig aan om weer te probeer
Kry maklik verkoue en griep
Immuunsisteem is nog nie ontwikkel
Hou kind weg van siek mense en voorsien ‘n skoon omgewing
Huil maklik
Kan nog nie sê wat pla nie
Verwag dat hy/sy baie sal huil.  Wanneeer hy/sy praat, luister en reageer daarop
Gebruik babbeltaal en maak woorde op
Speel met taal om te leer
Praat met peuter en moenie babataal gebruik.  Lees stories vir hom/haar
Na-aap jou woorde en aksies
Leer deur kyk en nabootsing
Laat hy/sy jou en ander kinders se aksies en woorde naboots – doen regte dinge voor hom/haar!
Hul doen dinge oor en oor
Leer deur herhaling
Herhaal stories, liedjies en versies.  Vra vir God vir geduld om oor en oor te herhaal
Hul sit alles in hul mond
Hulle leer deur hul 5 sintuie – veral mond
Gee veilige omgewing om alles te probeer – laat hul hoor, sien, voel, ruik en proe
Beweeg van een aktiwiteit na ‘n ander baie vinnig
Aandagspan is 1 – 2 minute
Moenie verwag dat hul sal stil sit nie.  Beplan baie aktiwiteite vir hulle om te doen
Huil een oomblik en lag die volgende
Emosies verander baie vinnig en hul is oop vir ander se emosies
Hou omgewing kalm en probeer hul gevoelens verstaan
Hulle wil graag by bekende mense wees
Hul is onseker en bang vir verandering
Hou by ‘n roetine en berei hom/haar voor vir verandering
Slaan en skop ander
Dink ander het nie emosies nie
As hy/sy geskop word deur iemand anders, verduidelik dit is hoe hul voel as jy hul skop of slaan
Dink hul is enigste mense op aarde
Help hul om te deel en wys hoe en help hul om beurte te maak met spel
Baie onafhanklik
Wil alles self doen – eet ens.
Wys dat hy/sy op jou kan vertrou.  Leer hom/haar om op God te vertrou
Hou daarvan om vasgehou en liefgehê te word
Het behoefte aan liefde en sekuriteit
Druk haar, soen en hou haar.  Deur jou liefde leer hy/sy God se liefde

Monday, 19 August 2013

Timoteus se lewe

Die Hemelse Vader het dit so beskik dat Timoteus ‘n gelowige ma en ouma gehad het en toe bevoorreg was om vir Paulus as mentor te hê.  Paulus kon net aangaan waar sy ma en ouma opgehou het met die oorvertel van die Bybelboodskap.  

Paulus het vir Timoteus 4 waarhede oor die Woord van God ingeskerp wat hy weer aan ander kon oordra.

  1. Die Woord van God is deur die Heilige Gees geïnspireer – 2 Tim. 3:16 Opdrag:  Glo dit en preek dit of vertel daarvan
  2. Die Woord van God is aan ons toevertrou – 2 Tim. 1:13 en 14   Opdrag:  Hou vas aan die Waarheid en beskerm dit soos wat jy jou beste besitting sal beskerm 1 Tim. 6:20
  3. Die Woord van God is kragtig.  Iemand het gese “many books can inform, but only the Bible can transform”  Dit is die krag van God tot verlossing – Rom. 1:16.  Charles Spurgeon het gese:  “Open the door and let the lion out.  He will take care of himself…The way to meet infidelity is to spread the Bible.  The answer to every objection against the Bible is the Bible.’  Opdrag:  Lees dit en leer die waarhede.
  4. Die Woord van God moet bestudeer word. 2 Tim. 3:14.  Paulus waarsku Timoteus teen mense wat nie die Woord verstaan nie en dan verkeerd interpreteer en weergee – vals profete.  2 Tim. 2:17-18, 2 Tim. 3:7,8)  Opdrag:  Bestudeer die Woord sodat God met jou kan praat daardeur en vir jou kan leer.  

In 2 Tim. 2 Gee Paulus 7 beelde van hoe ‘n Christen behoort te wees: 
Onderwyser (1-2);
Soldaat (3-4);
Atleet (5);
Boer (6-13);
Arbeider (14-19);
Voorwerp (20-23)
Dienaar (24-26)

Ons gebed moet altyd wees dat die Here ons sal help om die Woord korrek te verstaan en korrek te verduidelik aan ons kinders.  Bid vir die korrekte verduideliking van ons kansels.  

Die gevolg van gelowige ouers se invloed en geestelike leiers op Timoteus, was dat hy ‘n sendeling geword het en saam met Paulus die Evangelieboodskap uitgedra het.  

Mag die Hemelse Vader ons as gelowige ouers en mentors gebruik om baie kinders te help om sendelinge en geestelike werkers te word om die groot opdrag uit te voer en ander na die Here Jesus Christus te lei.












Saturday, 17 August 2013



May the Lord help you to glorify His Name everyday in all you are doing, saying and thinking.  Matt. 6:9 “Hallowed be your Name”.

What does it mean to glorify and praise God?

Listen to what Thomas Watson (c. 1620 – 1686) an English, Nonconformist, Puritan preacher and author says:

Glorifying God consists in four things: 1. Appreciation, 2. Adoration, 3. Affection, 4. Subjection. This is the yearly rent we pay to the crown of heaven.

1. Appreciation. To glorify God is to set God highest in our thoughts, and, to have a venerable esteem of him. Psalm 92:8. "Thou, Lord, art most high for evermore." Psalm 97:9, "Thou art exalted far above all gods." There is in God all that may draw forth both wonder and delight; there is a constellation of all beauties; he is prima causa [the first cause], the original and spring-head of being, who sheds a glory upon the creature. We glorify God when we are God-admirers; admire his attributes, which are the glistening beams by which the divine nature shines forth; his promises which are the charter of free grace, and the spiritual cabinet where the pearl of price is hid; the noble effects of his power and wisdom in making the world, which is called "the work of his fingers." Psalm 8:3. To glorify God is to have God-admiring thoughts; to esteem him most excellent, and search for diamonds in this rock only.

2. Glorifying God consists in adoration, or worship. Psalm 29:2. "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness." There is a twofold worship: 1. A civil reverence which we give to persons of honour. Gen. 23:7, "Abraham stood up and bowed himself to the children of Heth." Piety is no enemy to courtesy. 2. A divine worship which we give to God as his royal prerogative. Neh. 8:6,"they bowed their heads, and worshipped the Lord with their faces towards the ground." This divine worship God is very jealous of; it is the apple of his eye, the pearl of his crown; which he guards, as he did the tree of life, with cherubims and a flaming sword, that no man may come near it to violate it. Divine worship must be such as God himself has appointed, otherwise it is offering strange fire, Lev. 10:1. The Lord would have Moses make the tabernacle, "according to the pattern in the mount." Exod. 25:40. He must not leave out anything in the pattern, nor add to it. If God was so exact and curious about the place of worship, how exact will he be about the matter of his worship! Surely here every thing must be according to the pattern prescribed in his word.

3. Affection. This is part of the glory we give to God, who counts himself glorified when he is loved. Deut. 6:5, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul." There is a twofold love: 1. Amor concupiscentiae, a love of concupiscence, which is self-love; as when we love another because he does us a good turn. A wicked man may be said to love God, because he has given him a good harvest, or filled his cup with wine. This is rather to love God's blessing than to love God. 2. Amor amicitiae, a love of delight, as a man takes delight in a friend. This is to love God indeed; the heart is set upon God, as a man's heart is set upon his treasure. This love is exuberant, not a few drops, but a stream. It is superlative; we give God the best of our love, the cream of it. Cant. 8:2,"I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate." If the spouse had a cup more juicy and spiced, Christ must drink of it. It is intense and ardent. True saints are seraphims, burning in holy love to God [from the Hebrew word saruph, to be burned up]. The spouse was amore perculsa, [an overwhelming love], in fainting fits, "sick of love," Cant. 2:5. Thus to love God is to glorify him. He who is the chief of our happiness has the chief of our affections.

4. Subjection. This is when we dedicate ourselves to God, and stand ready dressed for his service. Thus the angels in heaven glorify him; they wait on his throne, and are ready to take a commission from him; therefore they are represented by the cherubims with wings displayed, to show how swift they are in their obedience. We glorify God when we are devoted to his service; our head studies for him, our tongue pleads for him, and our hands relieve his members. The wise men that came to Christ did not only bow the knee to him, but presented him with gold and myrrh. Matt. 2:11. So we must not only bow the knee, give God worship, but bring presents of golden obedience. We glorify God when we falter at no service, when we fight under the banner of his gospel against an enemy, and say to him as David to King Saul, "Thy servant will go and fight with this Philistine," 1 Sam. 17:32.

A good Christian is like the sun, which not only sends forth heat, but goes its circuit round the world. Thus, he who glorifies God has not only his affections heated with love to God, but he goes his circuit too; he moves vigorously in the sphere of obedience.



Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Teachable – Lord, give me a teachable spirit so that I can learn before I teach
Enthusiastic – Lord make me enthusiastic about what you teach me so that I can teach others
Approachable – Lord, please make me a wise teacher to teach properly but also someone like a friend to my students so that they can approach me with problems and questions. 
Consecrated – Lord, I consecrate myself and my students to you.  Make us living sacrifices to you in giving ourselves and our abilities to you
Honest – Lord, thank you for every gift that you give me.  Especially the gift of teaching.  Help me to honestly use my gifts and talents to extend your Kingdom in my life and in the world
Enduring – Lord, help me to endure in my task as teacher.  May I never become weary and lazy to fullfill my task
Ready – Lord, help me to be ready and prepared for every class I present.  Make me your willing and ready instrument to be able to sow the seed of your Word in the hearts of the children I am teaching.  Make me sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit when I prepare and talk.  I ask this in the precious Name of our Lord Jesus Christ with thanksgiving.  Amen

May the “God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory”, give you wisdom  to teach the same way as Jesus Christ taught when He was on earth – make Him your role-model!

Woordlose boek se oorsprong en boodskap