Die Boekie sonder woorde van Child Evangelism Fellowship is ‘n baie goeie metode om kinders na die Here te lei (“hook”) en te help groei (“crook”). Met metode 1 kan jy die ongeredde kind na die Here Jesus lei en met metode 2 kan jy vir die gelowige kind lei hoe hy geestelik kan groei.
Bid vooraf en vra dat die
Heilige Gees die kind sal aanraak en ontvanklik maak vir die Evangelieboodskap. Jy as aanbieder,
kan net die saad van die Woord saai, dit is God wat deur die Heilige Gees in
die kind se hart werk en hom/haar lei tot oorgawe.
Hoe het die boekie sonder woorde ontstaan?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon het ‘n preek gelewer met 3
kleure om die Evangelieboodskap te verduidelik:
– om die mens se sonde te verduidelik, rooi – die bloed van Jesus wat gevloei
het vir ons sondes en die prys betaal het sodat ons verlos kan word van ons
sondes en wit – om die reinheid te verduidelik van iemand wat vir Jesus aanneem
en in Hom glo.
Later het iemand anders die laaste 2 kleure – goud
en groen bygesit en het Mnr. Irvin Overtholzer, die stigter van Child
Evangelism Fellowship, dit ontdek in ‘n boekwinkel en het CEF dit begin gebruik
as hulpmiddel.
- METODE 1: om die kind wat nog nie vir Jesus ken nie, na Hom te lei:
Die Goue bladsy vertel
van die Bybelwaarhede oor God:
Hy is ons Skepper God - Hy het alles gemaak in die hemel en op aarde en ook
vir jou
Hy is ‘n God van Liefde - Hy het vir jou lief
Hy is ‘n Heilige God - Hy is sonder sonde
God woon in die hemel en wil graag vir jou ook in die hemel hê na jou
lewe op aarde
Bybelteks: Joh. 3 : 16 a vertel van
God se liefde
Die donker bladsy vertel vir my wat die Bybel
leer oor my probleem. Ek is in sonde ontvang en gebore en daarom ‘n sondaar. Wat is sonde? Definisie - alles wat ek dink of sê of doen
wat God nie behaag nie, is sonde. Rom.
3:23 – almal het gesondig
Voorbeelde van sonde – steel, vloek, ongehoorsaam, ens.
Gebore in sonde
Straf van sonde – ek is geskei van God
Die rooi bladsy vertel wat
die Bybel leer oor die oplossing vir my sonde: God se plan om vir
Jesus, Sy seun te stuur om vir my sonde te sterf3.1 Jesus is God, Hy is heilig en sonder sonde en
daarom is Hy al een wat ons sonde op Hom kon neem
Hy het jou en my straf gewilliglik gedra
Hy het Sy bloed
Hy het gesterf, is begrawe en het na 3 dae opgestaan
uit die dood.
Hy is nou in die hemel waar Hy vir ons plek
voorberei en waar Hy vir ons intree
Teks: l Kor. 15:3,4 – hierdie waarhede oor Jesus is al lank vantevore
deur Profete voorspel
4. Die skoon bladsy vertel hoe Jesus se Verlossing toege-eien kan word en Hy jou sonde witter as sneeu was:
4. Die skoon bladsy vertel hoe Jesus se Verlossing toege-eien kan word en Hy jou sonde witter as sneeu was:
Ons het nou gesien wat die Bybel sê
wie God is, wie ek as sondaar is, wie Jesus, ons Verlosser is en nou moet
hierdie waarhede aangeneem word as jy reg is daarvoor.
In die Bybel lees ons in Joh. 1:12 ‘n voorwaarde-
en belofte-vers: “Maar aan almal wat Hom aangeneem het, dié wat in Hom glo, het
Hy die reg gegee om kinders van God te word.”
Lees aan kind vers voor en verduidelik
dat die voorwaarde is dat hy/sy moet glo
in Jesus Christus. Dit beteken dat hy/sy glo dat Jesus vir sy/haar sondes aan
die kruis gesterf het. Saam met die glo, bely hy/sy dat hul sondaars is en vra
vergifnis vir sonde.
As jy glo in Jesus en Hom aanneem as
jou Verlosser, het jy die reg om te sê jy is ‘n kind van God die Vader.
Indien die kind besef die Here praat
met hom of haar en wil graag vir Jesus aanneem, kan hy of sy bid of agterna bid
en vra dat God hom/haar Sy kind sal maak. Moenie ‘n kind dwing om hierdie stap
te neem nie. Alleenlik as die Heilige
Gees vir ‘n kind oortuig dat dit die regte tyd is en hul instem om die stap te
neem, kan jy voortgaan met gebed.
As jy gebid het en vir die Here gevra
het om jou sonde te vergewe, Hom gedank het dat Jesus die prys vir jou sonde
betaal het, kan jy vra dat Hy jou moet help om Sy kind te wees. Bedank vir God dat Hy jou gehelp het om Hom aan te
Lees weer Joh. 1:12 en skryf jou naam in waar
staan “almal”.
Teks: Heb. 13:5, 6 - God belowe in hierdie
verse dat Hy jou helper is.
Die groen kleur, dui
daarop dat alles wat groei, groen is. 2
Pet. 3:18 “Sorg daarenteen dat julle steeds toeneem in die genade en kennis van
ons Here en Verlosser, Jesus Christus. Jy kan geestelik groei deur die volgende
te doen:
5.1 Bybellees – begin by Markus
en lees ‘n kort gedeelte elke dag
5.2 Bid gereeld en loof God vir
Sy goedheid
5.3 Getuig – vertel vir ander mense van Jesus
5.4 Sonde bely – 1
Joh.1:9 – as kind van God, sal jy nog gedurig in sonde val, maar bely dit
dadelik en vra dat die Here jou lewe sal vul.
5.5 Om saam met
gelowiges te aanbid help vir jou om geestelik te groei.
- METODE 2: Woordlose Boek vir die gelowige kind: Om hom/haar te help om vir Jesus te lewe.
Woordlose boek met 5 groot bladsye met woorde daarop: Goud – LIG;
Donker – KRAG; Rooi – LIEFDE; Skoon bladsy – VERSEKERING; Groen bladsy –
Inleiding: Het jy al die verduideliking gehoor van die
Woordlose Boek Nr. 2? Hierdie weergawe
vertel vir jou van die nuwe lewe wat jy in die Here Jesus Christus het en wys
vir jou hoe om vir Hom te lewe.
Goue bladsy: Hierdie
bladsy vertel van God se weg – die weg van LIG. Dit vertel van God se Koninkryk van LIG. Wie behoort almal aan hierdie koninkryk? Almal wat vir Jesus Christus aangeneem het as
Verlosser, behoort tot hierdie Koninkryk van LIG. As Jesus in jou lewe is, behoort jy aan
hierdie Koninkryk en is jy verlos van die duiwel (Satan) se koninkryk van
duisternis (donkerte). Kol. 1:13 – Jy
behoort vir ewig aan hierdie Koninkryk van lig – nadat jy dood is, bly jy lewe saam met God in
Sy Koninkryk. Wie is jou baas as jy aan
hierdie Koninkryk behoort? Jyself? Nee!
Jesus is jou Koning. Hy wil vir
jou leer en lei en beskerm en bewaar – en Hy verwag dat jy aan Hom gehoorsaam
sal wees. Joh. 14:15. Beteken dit as jy aan God se Koninkryk
behoort dat jy nooit weer sonde sal doen nie?
Solank as wat jy op aarde is, doen, sê en dink jy nog verkeerde dinge.
bladsy: Hierdie bladsy vertel
van God se weg - is die weg van KRAG – hierdie donker bladsy vertel vir my
van die koninkryk van duisternis waar die duiwel heerser is. Hy is die vyand van God en jou vyand! Ek het goeie nuus vir jou! Jy hoef nie vir Satan te luister nie. Hy sal gedurig probeer om jou weg te trek van
God se Koninkryk, maar God die Heilige Gees is in jou en is baie sterker as die
duiwel en Hy sal jou altyd help. Jak.
4:7 – “gee jouself aan God.... weerstaan die duiwel en hy sal van jul
vlug.” Wat as jy sonde doen? - 1
Joh. 1:9 – vra dadelik vergifnis en Hy sal jou vergewe. Hebr. 13:6
“Die Here is jou Helper” . Met die Onse Vader gebed het Jesus vir ons geleer om
te bid en te vra: “Lei ons nie in
versoeking nie”.
bladsy: Hierdie bladsy vertel van God se
weg - die weg van LIEFDE. God se liefde vir die
wêreld en Sy Seun wat betaal het vir ons sonde.
Die bladsy vertel ook vir my hoe ek ander mense moet liefhê. Jesus het jou vergewe aan die kruis sodat jy
ook vir ander kan vergewe – mense wie vir jou onregverdig behandel, stiefpa of
ma wat jou mishandel. Jou ouers wat
drink of dagga gebruik. Die Heilige Gees
in jou sal jou help om jou gesindheid teenoor mense te verander.
4. Skoon bladsy: Hierdie bladsy vertel van God se weg - die
weg van VERSEKERING (assurance). Toe
jy vir Jesus aangeneem het as jou Verlosser, is al jou sonde vergewe – verlede,
hede en toekoms. God sien jou deur Jesus
as rein en heilig. As jy seker is jy is
God se kind omdat jy glo in Jesus
Christus wie vir jou sondes gesterf het, sien God jou as skoon en rein soos
hierdie bladsy. Jy is gered vir ewig en
God wil hê jy moet groei om meer en meer heilig te wees elke dag.
5. Groen bladsy: God se weg is die weg van groei. Soos jou liggaam kos en oefening nodig het om
te groei, het jy geestelike kos en oefening nodig om geestelik te groei. God se Woord, die BYBEL is kos vir jou Lewe – dit word ook die Brood van die Lewe
genoem. Jou Bybel leer jou hoe God is –
in die Bybel is baie beloftes en opdragte oor hoe om te lewe sodat jy God beter
kan ken. As jy doen wat God se Woord sê,
is dit soos oefening vir jou geestelike lewe.
Jy kan oefen deur gereeld jou Bybel te lees en ook gedeeltes te
memoriseer. Jy het kos en oefening nodig, maar ook God se vriendskap – God wil
jou beste Vriend wees daarom moet jy gereeld met Hom praat deur GEBED.
God wil hê jy moet ook vriende hê wat saam met jou kerktoe gaan en klub toe gaan vir wie jy ook kan bemoedig en bid en
vertel wat die Here vir jou doen – VERTEL
van wat jy as kind van God beleef. BELY dadelik as jy uit swakheid weer in
sonde val en vertrou die Here vir alles.
How to lead a child to the Lord Jesus Christ:
The Wordless book of Child Evangelism Fellowship is a very good method to explain the Gospel message to the unsaved child (by “hook”) and to help him grow spiritually (by “crook”). There are 2 methods – with method 1 you reach the unsaved child and with method 2 you reach the saved child.
Before you approach a child you have to pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the child and prepare his heart for the Gospel message. You are only the sower of the seed of the Word of God, the Holy Spirit touches the heart of the child and leads him to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
invented the wordless book?
Charles Haddon Spurgeon had a sermon about the Gospel message and he explained
it with the 3 colours – black, red and white.
– explains the darkness of the sinner's heart
– explains the blood of Jesus Christ that paid for the sinner's sins
– explains the purity of heart that a sinner experiences who accepted Jesus
Christ as his Saviour.
Later somebody else added the gold and green
colours. Mr. Irvin Overtholzer, the
finder of Child Evangelism Fellowship, found the little book in a bookstore and
started to use it as a tool to evangelize children.
- METHOD 1: To reach the unsaved child with the Gospel message:
The golden
page explains the Bible truths about God:
He is our Creator God – He made everything in heaven, on
earth and you and me
He is a God of love – He loves you – Joh. 3:16 a
He is a Holy God – it means He has no sin and He hates sin
God lives in Heaven and He desires to have you and me in Heaven
with Him
after our death
after our death
The dark
page explains what the Bible teaches about my problem. My problem
is that I am a sinner, born in sin. Rom. 3:23. What is sin? Sin is to
break the rules of the 10 Commandments –
like stealing, telling lies, no love for God or my fellowmen, etc.
definition of sin is: Everything that I
do or say or think that dishonours God, that is sin.
What does sin do? Sin
separates us from God
The red page
explains the Bible truth about the solution for my sins:
Jesus is God. He is holy-
without sin and He only can take away my sin
He willingly paid the price for my sins on the cross
He gave His blood to pay for my sins
He died on the cross, was buried for 3 days and rose again from
the dead
He is in heaven now where He is preparing a place for His
children and He is also
interceding for us when we pray
interceding for us when we pray
The clean page explains how you can accept the Salvation of
Jesus Christ and become a child of God. So far we have seen what the Bible
teaches about God, about man as sinner, about Jesus, our Saviour and these
truths need to be accepted.
In the
Bible we read in John 1:12: “Yet to all who received him, to those who believed
in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”
the verse to the child and explain that if you believe in Jesus, you also
believe that He gave His life for your sins and paid the price for that on the
cross. To believe in Jesus, you have to commit that you are a sinner and ask God to forgive your sins. If you
do that and mean that, you have the right when you accept Him, to say you are
His child and part of God’s family.
case the child realizes that the Lord is talking to him/her and he/she wants to
accept Jesus as their Saviour. You can
pray and the child can repeat the prayer or they can pray on their own.
Example prayer: “Dear God
and Heavenly Father, I praise and worship you as my Creator. Lord, I am a sinner, born in sin. Please forgive me all my sins. Thank you that
Jesus paid the full price for my sins on the cross. Thank you for Joh. 1:12
that says if I believe in Jesus, you accept me as your child. Help me to be your faithful child and live a
life that glorifies you. In Jesus
Name. Amen.
at John 1:12 again and write the child’s name in where the word “all” stands.
can pray a prayer of thanksgiving to God who saved the child’s life.
the child that in his own strength it will be difficult to be a faithful child
of God, but we have a promise in the Word of God in Hebr. 13:5-6 “God is our Helper”. He will help you to be a faithful child of God.
The green colour teaches that when you are a child of God, you
need to grow spiritually. 2 Pet. 3:18
“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus
Christ.” How can we grow spiritually?
5.1 Read your Bible regularly – your Bible
is God’s letter to you. Start to read in
Gospel of Mark, because the portions are short and easy to read
5.2 Pray everyday and talk to your Heavenly
5.3 Witness – tell other people about Jesus
your Saviour
5.4 Confess your sins – 1
Joh.1:9 – as child of God, you are still
in the sinful world and will still disobey God.
The moment you sin, confess your sins and ask God to help you to stop doing, saying or thinking the wrong things.
5.5 Attend an Evangelical church with other believers where you
can grow spiritually.
- METHOD 2: Wordless book for the saved child: to help him/her to live for Jesus Christ. Make a wordless book with 5 colours with words on it: Gold – light; Dark – power; Red – love; Clean – Assurance; Green – Spiritual growth
Introduction: Did you hear about the wordless book nr.
2? This edition tells us about the new
life that you have in the Lord Jesus Christ and shows you how to live for Him.
- The
golden page tells us that God’s way is the way of LIGHT. It tells us what the Bible tells us
about the Kingdom of LIGHT. Who
belongs to this Kingdom? Everybody
who accepted Jesus Chist as their Saviour.
When Jesus is in your life, you belong to God’s Kingdom and you are
delivered from the darkness of the kingdom of Satan. Col. 1:13 “For He has rescued us from
the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.” Who is the King of your life when you belong to God's Kingdom? You yourself? NO!! Jesus
Christ is King of your life. He
will teach you, He will guide you and He will save you. He expects from you to obey Him fully
and to worship Him as the only God.
Does this mean that as child of God and belonging to His Kingdom,
you will sin no more? Unfortunately
not! We still live in a world full
of sin where our arch-enemy will try to steal us from God’s Kingdom, BUT
here is GOOD News
- The dark page tells us that God’s way is a way of POWER. Although Satan is the enemy of God and wants to distract us from the right way, he will never succeed to pluck you out of God’s hand. You have to know that he is there, but he is like a dog on a leash. The Holy Spirit will help you to walk in the right ways where you will be safe. In the Bible we read in James 4:7: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Pray the “Our Father” prayer: “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” - God will be your Helper!
- The
red page tells us that God’s way is a way of LOVE: Our holy God who hates sin also loved
the world so much that He sent His holy, sinless Son to pay the price for
our sins on the cross. This deed of
love was done so that you and I can love other people. Jesus forgave us all when He died on the cross.
Because of His love it is possible for you to forgive other people. Joh. 3:16
- The clean page tells us that God’s way is a way of ASSURANCE: When you accepted Jesus as you Saviour, all your sins were forgiven at once – all your sins of the past, present and future. God sees you as His child, washed and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. John 1:12. You are saved for ever and ever and God will help you to be more and more like Jesus. This is a process and will take time, but you have the assurance that you are God's child.
- The green page tells us that God’s way is a way of GROWTH: In the same way as your body needs food and exercise to grow, your spiritual body needs food and exercise to grow. God’s Word the Bible, is the food for your spiritual body. The Bible teaches you all the truths about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. It is necessary for you to read and meditate on the Word of God day and night. You can memorize Bible portions and use them to encourage you daily and to show you how to live. Psalm 1. You also need to PRAY and talk to God, your Heavenly Father, regularly to praise and worship Him, to confess your sins, to thank Him for all your blessings and to ask Him to supply in all your needs. Go to an Evangelical church regularly where you have Christian friends who can help you grow spiritually. God also wants you to be a WITNESS to others who need Jesus as their Saviour. Jesus gave us a command that we should tell everybody the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL. Matt. 28:19-20.
At the end of verse 20 Jesus gave a promise: “And surely I am with you, always, to the
very end of the age”.
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