Tuesday 30 July 2013

Spiritual Gifts

Romans 12:6-8 lists 7 spiritual gifts.  Think about them and ask yourself which  gift God has given you.  What gift best describes the way you look at people and situations?

Why is it important for us to learn about Spiritual Gifts?   (Compare CMR Bible Page 1557)
1.     Learning about the gifts will help you to see how you can best serve the Lord
2.     With your gift  you will be able  to appreciate other believers. 
3.     Someday you will stand before God and explain what you did with your gifts
4.     If you know your gift  you can start to use it  and ask God to help you to do this
5.     When you use your spiritual gift, you will grow as a Christian
6.     If you are not sure about your gift, try different gifts
7.     Ask your godly friends to tell you which gift you use the best
8.   You will find joy and happiness when you use your gift  

Christians with this gift can quickly discern between right and wrong and are willing to confront wrong wherever they see it
Acts 2:14-42 Peter’s sermon helped thousands of people to discern between right and wrong
Christians with this gift, have the ability to see jobs that need doing and understand how to do them.
Romans 16:1-2 Phoebe, a servant of the church has been a helper of many and freed them to preach and evangelize
Christians with this gift of teaching continually ask questions such as “why?” or “Is this correct?” They teach but also help other believers by encouraging them to be careful students of God’s Word
Luke 1:1-4 When Luke wrote his gospel his main concern was to assure his readers that he was giving an accurate record of Jesus’ life
Christians with this gift notice people’s  spiritual problems and want to help solve them.  They like to inspire others and encourage them to do right. Exhorters want everyone to obey the Lord and grow strong in Him.
Ephesians 3:14-21 Paul continually shared practical principles in ways that would help believers reach their full potential
Givers are aware of needs of others and like to use their time, money and talents wisely and encourage other believers to do the same
John 12:3-8 Mary of Bethany looked at Jesus with a giver’s attitude and showed love and appreciation and honored Him in a very special way
Christians with this gift of leading are organizers and can inspire others to work hard on projects while they oversee the project until all is finished
Nehemiah 2:17-18; 6:15  God used Nehemiah as a leader to oversee a big job
Showing Mercy
Christians with this gift can quickly sense the hurts of others.  They can console others in a way that strengthens them and put their trust in God
Philemon 4, 5, 7, 10, 20, 21.   Philemon continually comforted other believers.This gave Paul freedom to ask him to show mercy to Onesimus

In die Bybel in Romeine 12:6-8 word 7 geestelike gawes beskryf.  Lees die Bybelgedeeltes en dink daaroor na en vra jouself af watter gawe beskryf jou die beste?
Bybelverse wat gawe beskryf
Hoe beskryf die gawe vir jou?  Presies, half en half, glad nie
Die gawe om die  waarheid van God so bekend te maak en toe te pas, dat dit gelowiges mag opbou, bemoedig en troos, sowel as ongelowiges oortuig
Hand. 2:14 – 42 – Petrus se toespraak op Pinksterdag het duisende bemoedig en oortuig
Die gawe  om ander in hulle lewe en in hulle dienswerk te help deur hulle op praktiese maniere by te staan
Romeine 16:1-2 – Febe het haarself as diaken gegee sodat Paulus en ander sendelinge vry kon wees om die Evangelieboodskap te verkondig
Die gawe om kennis aan ander oor te dra met die doel om op te bou
Luk. 1:1-4 – Lukas wou die verhaal van Jesus baie akkuraat neerskryf vir  sy lesers sodat hul die waarheid oor Jesus kon lees en glo
Die gawe  om toesig te hou oor die geestelike lewens van ander en om te sorg vir hul geestelike behoeftes deur hulle te leer en te lei tot volwassenheid
Efesiërs 3:14-21 – Paulus se groot begeerte was om te sien dat gelowiges groei tot volwassenheid
Die gawe om God se werk te ondersteun met milde, tydige en blymoedige bydraes
Joh. 12:3-8 – Maria van Betanië het Jesus se behoefte aan liefde en waardering gesien en Hom geëer deur duur salf te gebruik om sy voete te salf
Die gawe om lede van ‘n groep met liefdevolle besorgdheid en met oorleg te lei
Nehemia 2: 17, 18 en 6:15-16 Nehemia was ‘n gelowige vir wie God gebruik het as leier
Die vermoë om saam te voel met die wat ly en om daaraan uitdrukking te gee deur blymoedige dade van diens
Filemon 4-7; 10, 20-21  Filemon was iemand wat ander gelowiges bemoedig het en daarom weet Paulus hy sal ook barmhartigheid aan Onesimus openbaar.

In 1983 is die kursus "Discover Your Gifts" in Afrikaans vertaal en in Suid-Afrika gebruik onder die titel "Ontdek jou gawes".  Ons het die kursus met groot sukses in ons gemeentes gebruik en baie gelowiges was dankbaar dat hul kon ontdek wat hul gawes is.  In die kursus word 15 gawes genoem en breedvoerig bestudeer. Dit is op die internet beskikbaar - sleutel net by Google in: "Ontdek jou gawes".


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