Tuesday 3 September 2013

Prayer - hand method

Use the hand method to teach children to pray:  

The palm of your hand is the biggest part of your hand and it teaches you that your prayers should mainly consist of praise and worship.  Praise God that He is our Creator.  Praise God that He is All mighty, that He is All knowing, That He is a God of love and that He is in control of your life.  Praise God that He gave Jesus to come to the earth to die for all our sins.  Praise God that the Holy Spirit abide in us when we accept Jesus as our Saviour.
Thumb:  -  Your thumb is nearest to your body when you hold your hand up – this tells you to pray for the people nearest and dearest to you – your family
Index finger – This finger tells us to pray for people who teach us – teachers, Sunday school teachers, pastors, etc.
Middle finger – This finger is your tallest finger and tells you to pray for people in your country in high positions – State president, ministers, leaders.
Ring finger – Your ring finger is your weakest finger and tells us to pray for weak people – old people, sick people and under privileged people
Little finger – your little finger tells you to pray for yourself.  Ask the Lord to help you to live in such a way that people can see you belong to your Father in Heaven

 Gebruik die HANDMETODE om vir kinders te leer bid:  
HANDPALM - LOFPRYSING:  Dink aan die palm van jou hand wat die grootste gedeelte van jou hand is.  In ons gebed moet ons die meeste tyd gee aan lofprysing aan ons Hemelse Vader.
Loof die Heer omdat Hy so goed is – dink aan alles wat Hy doen wat goed is en loof Hom daarvoor.  Loof  Hom omdat Hy ‘n God van liefde is.  Loof Hom omdat Hy alles van jou weet en altyd by jou is en alles kan doen.
Loof God, die Vader dat Jesus na die aarde gekom het om vir al jou sonde aan die kruis te sterf.
Loof God dat die Heilige Gees in jou woon as jy vir Jesus aangeneem het as jou Verlosser.
DUIM - NAASTE: Dink aan jou duim en bid vir die mense die naaste aan jou.  (jou duim is die naaste vinger aan jou lyf)  Pappa, Mamma, Oupa, Ouma, broers en susters, ens.
WYSVINGER – LEERMEESTERS:  Jou wysvinger leer vir jou om te bid vir almal wie vir jou leer – onderwysers, kategete, predikante, ens.
MIDDELVINGER – HOGGEPLAASTES:  Jou  middelvinger is jou langste vinger en  leer vir jou om vir almal te bid wat hooggeplaas is in ons land.  Ons staatspresident, ministers, leiers, ens.
RINGVINGER - SWAKKES:  Jou ringvinger  is jou swakste vinger – bid vir almal wat siek en swak en minderbevoorreg is.
PINKIE – JOUSELF:  Jou pinkie leer vir jou om vir  jouself te bid.   Vra vir die Here om vir jou te help om elke dag so te leef dat almal kan sien jy is sy kind.


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