Sunday, 29 September 2013

Responsibilities of a children's worker

The Children’s Worker Has Two Responsibilities - Mr. Sam Doherty  

The ministry of the children’s worker is therefore to teach and apply the Word of God to the children.  

But there are two kinds of children. Therefore while he will teach the truths of the Word of God to all the children, he willwant to apply these truths in two different ways so as to meet the needs of both groups of children.  

The children’s worker is a fisherman.

While teaching he is “fishing” for children who are not saved. His first role is that of an evangelist and he wants to apply his teaching to unsaved children so as to encourage and help them to trust Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.   

The Lord Jesus called Simon Peter to be such a fisherman: “Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4 v19).  

Peter’s first call was to FISH:
And what a fisherman he was to become! His greatest-ever catch was to take place on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2 v41) when he “caught” 3,000 souls.  

The first call of the Lord Jesus to everyone who works with children is to EVANGELIZE them, to FISH them, and as the Holy Spirit works in their hearts to CATCH them and

LEAD them to the Saviour.  

The children’s worker is a shepherd.

Through his teaching he wants to feed children who are saved. He wants to apply his teaching to saved children, to help them to grow spiritually.   

The Lord Jesus also called Peter three years later to feed and to be a shepherd:
Feed My lambs” (John 21 v15).

And what a shepherd he was to become—through his prayer ministry (Acts 4 v23-31), through his spoken ministry of teaching and encouragement (Acts 2 v42; Acts 4 v32-35;Acts 5 v42; Acts 15 v7-11) through his ministry of correction and chastisement (Acts 5 v1-11), and through his writing ministry as contained in his two epistles!  

Similarly, every children’s worker has been called to a shepherding or follow-up ministry—to pray for, to help, to encourage and, if necessary, to correct boys and girls who are saved.

Every children’s worker has therefore two responsibilities— to FISH and to FEED. He is called to work among children by HOOK and by CROOK


Wat kan gelowige kinders doen vir die Koninkryk van God?

Jy, as gelowige, kan baie doen vir die uitbreiding van God se KONINKRYK!  Wees soos ‘n meerdoelige koerant!

Baie mense gebruik ‘n koerant net vir een rede – nl. om dit te lees.   Kom ek sê vir julle waarvoor julle koerante nog kan gebruik:  (Soos jy vir kinders vertel, kan jy die koerant vou en gebruik vir die verskillende voorwerpe)

·        Jy kan vir jou ‘n hoed daarvan maak as jy dit reg vou
·        jy kan vir jou ‘n voorskoot maak daarvan
·        jy kan dit vir ‘n tafeldoek of ‘n servet gebruik
·        Jy kan sit daarop
·        jy kan jou gesig toemaak as jy buite wil lê en slaap sodat die son jou nie bykom nie
·        jy kan dit gebruik vir ‘n sambreel
·        as jy dit dubbel vou kan jy dit vir ‘n vlieëslaner gebruik
·        Jy kan balle daarvan maak en oefen om dit in ‘n mandjie te gooi
·        Jy kan dit gebruik vir ‘n kombers in die koue weer
·        Jy kan kos daarmee warm hou as jy dit oor ‘n houer kos vou
·        Jy kan gevriesde kos daarmee koud hou, ens. ens.

(was net jou hande goed nadat jy die koerant gebruik het, want dit maak ‘n mens se hande baie vuil!)

As daar so baie maniere is waarop ‘n koerant gebruik kan word, hoeveel te meer kan jy gebruik word om die Here te dien en Sy Koninkryk uit te brei.

Kom ons dink aan maniere en dan kan jy self verder dink:

·        Nooi ‘n vriend kerktoe
·        vertel vir ander mense van Jesus
·        gee ‘n traktaatjie aan iemand wat nog nie vir Jesus ken nie
·        help jou ouers met takies in die huis
·        wees gehoorsaam aan die Here en aan jou ouers, want dit is ‘n gebod van God
·        wees ‘n vriend of vriendin vir iemand by die kerk of skool wat nie maats het nie
·        herinner jou ouers daaraan om gereeld huisgodsdiens te hou
·        Bid gereeld en praat met jou Hemelse Vader en vra dat Hy jou moet help om die Koninkryk te laat kom in jou hart, in jou omgewing, in jou land en in die wêreld
·        Lees gereeld jou Bybel en memoriseer Bybelverse  

Die mense lees jou lewe soos ‘n koerant – wees soos ‘n koerant met die Goeie Nuus van Jesus Christus wat gesterf het sodat die God se Koninkryk kan uitbrei!  (2 Kor. 3:3 "Julle is 'n brief van Christus")

Saturday, 28 September 2013


Object lesson from Mr. Sam Doherty’s book  

Teach the memory verse:  Gal. 2:20

Sing:  Nothing but the blood of Jesus;  Praise Him, Praise Him.  

TRUTH: We should be thankful to the Lord Jesus for all He has done for us.  


Use two large pieces of cardboard or heavy paper. On one piece write the emphasized words and figures outlined in the first list below (using your own currency).On the other piece write the emphasized words and figures in the second list.


Norman was a good boy. He helped with the washing up and looked after his baby sister. He was a bright boy, too, and he noticed that when other people did things around the house for his mother, they sent bills and got paid. For example, after the plumber fixed the pipes he sent a bill for his work and his mother wrote a cheque to pay him.
Norman began to think, Why shouldn’t I get paid too? So one morning Norman laid a paper like this (Show the first page) at his mother’s plate at breakfast time (Point to the words “Mother owes Norman”). He tried to make it look as much like the other bills he had seen. So he printed words like these (Point to the words you have written and complete the sentences by saying the other words and also point to the amounts shown on your visual).
Mother owes Norman

1.  For washing the dishes 5 times …….…..….…… $.1.00

2.  For looking after baby sister ….……..….………   $.1.00

3.  For going to the shop …………….…..…………     $.1.50

4.  For being a good boy ……….……….………….     $.2.50

Total ………………………......……………………            $.6.00


Norman’s mother sat down at the table and read what Norman had written, but she didn’t even smile. She just laid it aside and ate her breakfast. When Norman came in for supper that night there was a bill on his plate! It read:


Norman owes mother (Point to these words)

(Point to the words you have written and complete the sentences. Then point to the word “nothing”)

1. For 10 years of happy home ……………….                 nothing

2. For food and clothes for 10 years ………..               nothing

3. For nursing through chicken pox, flu.and measles    nothing

4. For being good to him all his life ………..                  nothing

Total ………......……………………………..                         nothing


When Norman read it he felt bad! Big tears ran down his cheeks, his lips quivered and he ran to his mother’s arms and cried, “Mum, I love you and I’ll do all I can just because I love you. I don’t want any pay.”

If you are saved you should serve Jesus Christ because He has done so much for you and because you love Him. You are not looking for money or rewards. If you haven’t received Him and are not saved, then I want you to stop right now and think of how much He has done for you. As your mother has loved you and cared for you so the Lord Jesus has given you food, clothing, a home, a mother and father, health and life, and most of all, HE GAVE HIMSELF ON CALVARY’S CROSS. (Galations 2 v20)
He gave Himself so that you could be forgiven and have the wonderful gift of eternal life. How much do we have to pay Him for all this? Nothing. You could never pay for what the Lord Jesus did.
Norman’s mum did not want payment. Neither does your mum. Neither does the Lord Jesus.
But He wants you to invite Him to come into your heart and life.
If I came to your door and knocked, and you opened the door and saw me standing there, what would you say? You would say, “Come in.” Then what would I do? That’s right, I would come in.

The Lord Jesus is standing at the door of your heart and life right now. He says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock.” Will you say to Him, “Come in, Lord Jesus?” His promise is: “If any man (boy or girl) will open the door, I will come in.”

And then, when the Lord Jesus comes in, just as Norman was grateful to his mum for all she did for him, so you should thank the Lord Jesus and love and serve Him because of all He has done for you. He gave His all for you. And you should give your all to Him.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Routyd na 'n geliefde oorlede is

Toe my ma in 2001 as weduwee agtergelaat is op die ouderdom van 80 jaar, was dit vir haar ‘n pynlike ervaring.  Ek het verskillende boeke gelees oor rousmart en die volgende 6 punte daaruit saamgestel en vir haar in ‘n brief gestuur sodat sy dit kon lees en toepas. 
Een van CEF se voltydse werkers in S.A. is verlede Sondag oorlede op die ouderdom van 42 jaar aan leukemia.
Dit is goed om te weet hoe routyd verloop sodat ‘n mens jouself kan verstaan en die agtergeblewenes kan bystaan.  

Fase 1:  Die skokfase.  Jy het gedurig ‘n hol kol op die maag, kry kouekoors en voel siek.  Nou het jy behoefte aan goeie luisteraars, mense wie vir jou omgee en nie veel praat nie, maar net simpatiseer en jou omarm.  

Fase 2:  Die afgestomptheid-fase:  Alles lyk onwerklik.  Jy kan nie helder dink nie en dinge maak nie sin nie.  Jy vergeet alles en voel afgestomp – amper wêreldvreemd.  Die wêreld gaan aan, maar dit voel of jy nie wil aangaan nie.  

Fase 3:  Die Fantasie en skuldgevoel-fase:   Jy voel die oorledene sal na ‘n tyd terugkom.  Dit is asof alles maar net ‘n fantasie was en alles sal weer regkom.  Jy voel ook skuldig omdat jy nie meer gedoen het nie.  Jy moes meer aandag aan die oorledene gegee het en hom of haar meer vertroetel het.  

Fase 4:  Ontlading van droefheid – dit is die fase wanneer jy besef die oorledene sal nie weer terugkom nie en nou is jou pad vorentoe alleen.  Jy wil sommer net huil en huil en huil.  Alles is net te veel!  

Fase 5:  Pynlike herinneringe:  Hierdie fase kan maande duur, maar jy sal die herinneringe, goed of sleg, in die oë moet kyk en dit verwerk.  Deel dit met iemand betroubaar en gesels daaroor.   Skryf neer wat vir jou pla en bid daaroor.  

Fase 6:  Leer om weer te leef -  Die verlies van ‘n lewensmaat is soos amputasie.  Jy moet erken jy het iets verloor soos ‘n arm of been en moet nou weer leer om daarsonder klaar te kom.   Aanvaarding is nodig.   Staan elke dag op en loof die Heer dat jy soveel het om voor dankbaar te wees.  Loof Hom vir Sy goedheid en guns.  Loof Hom vir jou kinders en kleinkinders en agterkleinkinders.  Loof Hom vir ‘n huis wat afbetaal is.  Loof Hom vir die voorsiening wat jou lewensmaat gemaak het dat jy sonder sorge kan leef.

Loof God dat Jesus Christus sy lewe afgelê het sodat die ewige lewe vir jou en jou man moontlik is en dat jy jou lewensmaat weer gaan sien en vir ewig saam met Christus sal wees.  

Begin bid vir ander mense wat in ‘n soortgelyke situasie verkeer.  Onthou Job se lot het verander toe hy vir sy vriende begin bid het.

Lees en hou vas aan die beloftes van die Bybel.  Ps. 23 se beloftes van die Here wat jou Herder is en jou sal lei en bewaar sodat jy niks sal kortkom nie, is baie kosbaar.



Tuesday, 24 September 2013


“Heritage Day is a South African public holiday celebrated on 24 September. On this day, South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their culture and the diversity of their beliefs and traditions, in the wider context of a nation that belongs to all its people.” According to Wikipedia. 

What I inherited from my forefathers and their culture is a strong belief:
1.     in God our almighty Father
2.     in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour from sin
3.     in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit when you receive Jesus
4.     in the Bible as the Word of God and my Handbook
5.     in fellowship with other believers  

This is also what I want my children to inherit from me.  I pray and trust that they will know, love and obey the Triune God with all their heart and life and enjoy Him forever!  

For my children and grandchildren to accept this inheritance, it is necessary to commune with God regularly 

Communion with God is absolutely necessary for a child of God because:

·         You talk to God as His child and He talks to you through His Word.
·         His will becomes your wishes and your prayers become more and more what His Will for your life is.
·         The Holy Spirit helps you to understand God’s Word and Will and He is interceding when you pray.
·         Jesus made it possible for you as believer to enter the Throne Room and have Communion with God.
·         Jesus is your High Priest who gave His life for you.
·         He is sitting at the right hand of God where He is interceding and by His Grace making it possible that you as the King’s child may talk to your Heavenly ABBA FATHER!
·         This relationship where you commune with God and tell Him daily about your problems and fears and holding on to His promises, will help you to live with peace in your heart! 
      That is a promise in Phil. 4:6-7

 Bible reading:  Take the following steps when you read your Bible:

1. Opening prayer: ask God to prepare your thoughts and fill you with the Holy Spirit so that His Word can speak to you. 
2. Read the portion carefully.
3. Think about the truths about God in that portion and what they mean to you personally.
4. Love and adore God in your heart on the basis of that truth.
5. Submit yourself to Him.   

Prayer:  Our Father - method

The Our Father – prayer teaches us a few basic principles about prayer:
1. “Hallowed be your Name” – first principle is praise and thanksgiving-honouring Him for what He has done
2. “Your Kingdom come.” Pray for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
3. “Your will be done” – the principle of affirmation, agreeing with the will of God and submitting ourselves to it.
4. “Give us this day our daily bread” The principle of supplication or asking things from God. In Matthew 7, Jesus teaches us to ask, to seek, and to knock, in our life of prayer. God encourages us to ask Him concerning our personal needs and other needs
5. “Forgive us our debts” - forgiveness is the next principle (Corrie ten Boom said: God forgives us our sin and cleanse us with the blood of the Lord Jesus and through our sins in the depth of the sea. Then he puts a sign over it “No fishing”! God forgives and forgets!)
6. “Deliver us from the evil one” We constantly face temptation to sin. As we battle to overcome temptation in our lives, prayer for renewal is a continuous need.
Rev. 12:11 “They overcame him (the accuser) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”…
7. “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” 
With the closing prayer we bring honour and glory to God and acknowledge Him as the Author and Finisher of our life!
Amen – with this word we confirm the adoration in our prayers and accept the promises of God to us.


“For you have heard my vows, O God; You have given me the heritage of those who fear your name.”  Ps. 61:5

Sunday, 22 September 2013


A. Vul blokraaisels in en maak jou eie blokraaisels op.
Met lentetyd hoor ‘n mens gereeld duiwe koer.  Hier is ‘n blokraaisel oor tekste in die Bybel wat vir ons van duiwe vertel.    Omkring die wegsteekwoorde nadat jy die woorde opgesoek het in die Bybel. 

1.     Wie het ‘n duif losgelaat in Gen. 8:8? 
2.    Wat begeer Dawid  in Ps. 55:7 van ‘n duif? 
3. Wat sê Jesaja in hoofstuk 38:14 het hy gedoen soos ‘n duif ?
4. Wat maak die duiwe teen die rante van ‘n put  volgens Jer. 48:28?
5. Hos. 7:11 sê ‘n duif is dom en sonder wat?
6. Deur wie is Jesus gedoop volgens Matt. 3:13?
7. Soos wat het die Gees van God op Jesus neergedaal – Matt. 3:16?   


 Antwoorde: 1 (D3-D6); 2 (E8-J8);3D6-H6);4(J7-J9);5(A1-H1);6(C4-J4);7(C7-C10)

 B.  Hou ‘n skattejag.

Steek iets in die tuin weg of in die posbus sonder dat kinders weet waar soos balonne en iets te ete. As alles gekry is na die skattejag, word daar partytjie gehou met die skatte.

 Laat almal soek daarna maar gee vir hulle ‘n paar instruksies op kaartjies – geskryf of geteken.

Eerste plek bv. in ‘n kamer, tweede plek in die kombuis, bv. in ‘n blik of karton wat jy vir hulle teken . Derde plek in die tuin, bv. in ‘n gieter of onder iets.  Vierde plek in die posbus of waar ookal.
Hou lekker partytjie met die eetgoed, drinkgoed en speelgoed wat hul vind!
C.  Maak 'n poppekas en skryf jou eie tonele daarvoor.
1.  Gebruik die verhaal van Esther in die Bybel
2.  Gebruik die verhaal van Josef in die Bybel

Woordlose boek se oorsprong en boodskap