Wednesday 26 June 2013

Truths for the believer for the future

God is Sovereign and in Control of the future.  Hold onto these 10 truths for the future! 
  1. The Bible will have the answer to all your questions and will change your life when you read it – “Many books can inform, but only the Bible can transform”
  2. God will hear all your prayers and answer according to His Will.
  3. God will love you just as always     
  4. Jesus will be the only way to Heaven.  You are called to preach the Gospel message!
  5. God will bless you with His blessings everyday
  6. The Holy Spirit will work in your life and the world everyday
  7. God will accept your praise and worship – continue to that continually
  8. God will still use preachers who preach the Gospel according to His Will and according to the Scriptures
  9. God will help you and every believer to have victory over Satan every day
  10. There will be a place at the Cross for you to kneel every day and ask Jesus to forgive your sins and help you to live a life glorifying Him in whatever you do or say or think!
God is Soewerein en in beheer van die toekoms.  Hou vas aan hierdie 10 waarhede vir die toekoms! 
  1. Die Bybel sal die antwoorde op al jou vrae hê  en jou lewe verander soos jy dit lees
  2. God sal elke dag jou gebede verhoor en antwoord soos Hy dit goed dink.
  3. God sal jou nog net so lief hê soos altyd
  4. Jesus se versoening aan die kruis is nog steeds vir verlorenes die enigste Weg na die Vader.  Jy is geroep om dit te verkondig!
  5. God sal elke dag Sy seëninge oor jou uitstort.
  6. Die Heilige Gees sal nog steeds sy werk doen in jou lewe en in die wêreld
  7. God sal nog steeds die lofprysing en aanbidding van jou aanvaar – loof en prys Hom elke dag!
  8. Daar sal nog steeds preke gepreek word wat deur God gebruik word om jou te verander
  9. God sal jou en elke gelowige  help om  elke dag die oorwinning oor Satan te behaal
  10.  Daar sal nog steeds plek by die Kruis wees waar jy elke dag kan kniel en vir Jesus kan ontmoet en jou sonde kan bely.

 S. Charnock said:  “Power is God’s hand or arm, omnisience His eye, mercy His bowels, eternity His duration, but holiness is His beauty.”

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