Saturday 17 January 2015


Maak Paulus se gebed in Efesiërs 3:14-21 jou gebed vir jouself, jou gesin en die hele gemeenskap van gelowiges: 
Onse Hemelse Vader ons kniel in gebed voor U neer en aanbid U. Aan U het ons hele gemeenskap van gelowiges ons bestaan te danke.  Ons bid dat U deur U Gees uit die rykdom van U heerlikheid aan ons die krag sal gee om innerlik sterk te word.  Ons bid dat Christus deur die geloof in ons harte sal woon. Mag ons in die liefde van God gewortel en gegrondves wees. Mag ons almal as gelowiges in staat wees om te begryp hoe wyd en ver en hoog en diep die liefde van Christus strek. Mag ons Christus se liefde ken, liefde wat ons verstand te bowe gaan. Mag ons heeltemal vervul word met die volheid van God, deur die werking van die Heilige Gees in ons harte. Aan U o God kom ons dank en eer toe – U wat deur U krag in ons werk. U is magtig om oneindig meer te doen as wat ons bid of dink, ons loof U daarvoor. Dankie Vader dat ons verbondenheid met Jesus Christus deur U bewerkstellig is. Dankie Vader dat U die kerk – die hele gemeenskap van gelowiges – deur al die geslagte heen tot in ewigheid bewaar en beskerm en help om U te eer!

– J.C. Ryle (1816-1900) – About Prayer
taken from: The Priest, the Puritan, and the Preacher. New York: R. Carter, 1855

Prayer is the life-breath of a man’s soul. Without it we may have a name to live, and be counted Christians; but we are dead in the sight of God. The feeling that we must cry to God for mercy and peace is a mark of grace, and the habit of spreading before Him our soul’s wants is an evidence that we have the spirit of adoption. And prayer is the appointed way to obtain the relief of our spiritual necessities,—it opens the treasury, and sets the fountain flowing,—and if we have not, it is because we ask not. Prayer is the way to procure the outpouring of the Spirit upon our hearts. Jesus has promised the Holy Ghost, the Comforter. He is ready to come down with all his precious gifts, renewing, sanctifying, purifying, strengthening, cheering, encouraging, enlightening, teaching, directing, guiding into all truth. But then He waits to be entreated.
And here it is, I say it with sorrow, here it is, that men [and women] fall short so miserably. Few indeed are to be found who pray,—many who go down on their knees, and say a form perhaps,—but few who pray;—few who cry unto God,—few who call upon the Lord,—few who seek as if they wanted to find,—few who knock as if they hungered and thirsted,—few who wrestle,—few who strive with God earnestly for an answer,—few who give Him no rest,—few who continue in prayer,—few who watch unto prayer,—few who pray always without ceasing, and faint not. Yes! few pray. .
. . .God has no dumb children. If you are to resist the world, the flesh, and the devil, you must pray:—it is vain to look for strength in the hour of trial, if it has not been sought for.

Our granddaughter of 3, on her dad's lap, with her arms around his neck, prayed: "Father God, please let my Daddy get a work near us so that he can stay with us always."  Then she answered in a deeper voice:  "Yes, Rebecca, he will"!
God answered her prayer within a few weeks!!

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