Sunday 19 January 2014

A method to teach children to pray:

The ACTS-method to pray:

A- Adoration C-Confession T- Thanksgiving S- Supplication


Start your prayer by glorifying our ABBA FATHER in the name of Jesus for who He is. In Pslm 145 there are many characteristics of God that can be used to worship Him.

Spurgeon said that the most important day in his life was the day when he became a Christian and the second most important day was the day that he realized that God is Sovereign.

Focus your prayer on God’s Sovereignty and praise Him for that.


In the light of God’s sovereignty, you see your sin and need to confess. Read Ps. 51 to see how David confessed his sins and pray this Psalm to do confession of sins in your life.    


“Count your blessings, count them one by one”. Make a list of things that you want to thank God for – spiritual blessings, emotional blessings, intellectual blessings, physical blessings.


John 14:14 tells us “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it”.


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