Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Two Bible talks for Christmas time - Dr. Sam Doherty


TRUTH: Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners.
Make a series of six cards with the six words – Who? When? Where? What?
Why? You? Or write these words on six cards shaped like a question mark

Do you like birthdays? Isn’t it a pity they only come once each year?
Do you like Christmas also?
I’m sure you do. Why do we have Christmas? What does it celebrate?

(Give an opportunity to respond). I am sure you know that Christmas is the special birthday of Someone very special celebrated by many millions of people all over the world.

WHO? (Show card)
Who is so important that so many people celebrate His birthday? The answer is – the Lord Jesus, the Son of God. Of course He was alive before He was born!
What do I mean? Well He lived in Heaven with His Father before the world ever existed, but He did not have a body. He was God, not man. But on the first Christmas day He, the Son of God, became human. He was born. He now had a body!

WHEN? (Show card)
This happened about 2000 years ago. And it was such an important birthday that we date our time from His birthday. This year is 2005 AD (or whatever the year is) and that means it is 2005 years after He was born. The letters A and D mean Anno Domini, the year of our Lord. The years before He was born are called BC or Before Christ. So you can see how important He is and how important His birthday was.

WHERE? (Show card)
He was born in a little town called Bethlehem in the country we now call
Israel. One of the writers of the first part of the Bible (700 years before His birth) had prophesied that He would be born there (Micah 5 v2) – and it happened exactly as he had written.
Was He, the Son of God, born in a palace, in a special cot for royal babies?
No! He was born in a stable or cattle shed - and was laid in a simple little box or feeding trough made of rough wood.

WHAT? (Show card)
What happened?
His mother Mary gave birth to Him just as any mother gives birth to
her baby.
Angels told the shepherds what had happened and they rushed to see
Later on wise men were guided by a star to come and worship Him.

WHY? (Show card
But why did this happen? Why did the Son of God become a baby and why was He born in such humble conditions?
He came to die for us and to take the punishment for our sins. Thirty-three years later He died on the Cross for us. He came, lived and died to save us.

That is why He was called Jesus. His name means Saviour. He wants to be your Saviour. Have you trusted Him? (Show card with the word “you”). Why not do so today? If you are saved thank Him for coming and dying for you. 



TRUTH: God has a special gift for every boy and girl.

A chair. Make four cards and print the following words on each:


If you wish you can include pictures on each card along with the words – a red heart (representing God’s love), a cross (representing the death of the Lord Jesus), praying hands (representing faith) and a white heart (representing salvation).


What do you think is the best known verse in the whole Bible? (Give the
opportunity to respond). Most people everywhere agree that the best known verse in the Bible is John 3 v16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believe in (trusts) Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

We learn four things from this verse:
GOD LOVES (Show card) This verse tells us what God is like.
This is the first thing we learn. God is love and He loves each one of us.
Love is what God is like. And He just keeps on loving us.
Who does God love? He loves the world and everybody in it – no matter how bad or how sinful they are. This verse says, “For God so loved the world.” That means He loves you and me.
How much does God love you?

GOD GAVE (Show card)
Love can be measured by what is given by the one who loves. God loves
you and me so much that He gave His best and His greatest gift to the
world. Our verse says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son.” He gave His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ Who came to this earth and died on the cross, and took the punishment for our sin, so you and I could be saved. But we need to do something about it.

I TRUST (Show card)
You need to put your trust in Jesus Christ. Our verse says, “that whoever believes in Him.” To believe in Him means to trust Him, to put your confidence in Him, to ask Him to save you. What does it mean to trust Him? Do you see this chair? It is a good strong chair. I think it would hold me if I sat on it. But it is not enough for me just to look at it or think about it. Am I willing to trust it? How do I trust it? I sit on it (Do so).
Now I trust it.
It is not enough to think about Jesus Christ or talk about Him. You need
to do something. You need to put your trust and confidence in Him as I
did with this chair. And if you trust Jesus Christ God promises first of all
in our verse that you will never perish or be lost. He says that you “should not perish”. But He promises more than that.

I HAVE (Show card)
This Bible verse tells you that if you trust Jesus Christ you will have
everlasting life. And so our verse says, “have everlasting life”. The moment you trust Jesus Christ all your sin will be forgiven and you will receive the gift of eternal or everlasting life – and when you die you will go to Heaven to be there forever more.
Have you received this great gift? Trust Jesus Christ now, today, and you can be sure that you will be saved and that you will live forever.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Kersboodskap met 5 kleure verduidelik, Explain the Christmas message with 5 colours

Kersboodskap met 5 kleure van woordlose boek van Child Evangelism Fellowship:
The Christmas message with the 5 colours of the Wordless book of Child Evangelism Fellowship
1.  Goue bladsy praat van God en Sy Heiligheid:
* God is ons Skepper God en het alles gemaak en besit  alles
* Hy is die Koning van die Heelal
* God is Heilig en sonder sonde
* God woon in die Hemel
Jes. 6:3 ”Heilig, heilig, heilig is die Here die Almagtige! Die hele aarde is vol van sy magtige teenwoordigheid.”
God ons Skepper. Hy is  ‘n God van liefde en ook ‘n Heilige God.  Hy het geen sonde nie en kan geen sonde in die Hemel toelaat nie.
1.  The golden page speaks about God and His holiness
. God created and owns the world
. He is the King of Kings
. He is pure and holy
. He lives in Heaven
Isaiah 6:3 “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts…”
God wants you to be with Him in Heaven one day
God is our Creator, He is a God of love and He is a holy God.  He has no sin and cannot allow sin in Heaven.
2.  Donker bladsy praat oor sonde en die gevolge daarvan: 
Rom. 3:23 sê dat ons almal gesondig het en ver van God is.  Ons is almal in sonde gebore.  Wat is sonde?  Alles wat ek dink of doen of sê waarmee ek God hartseer maak, is sonde.  God moet sonde straf, soos wat jy gestraf word as jy verkeerd doen.  Sonde skei ons van God en maak ons ongelukkig.
2.  The dark page speaks about sin and its consequences
Rom. 3:23 “For all have sinned…”
What is sin – disobeying God and His commandments
God must punish sin because He is just and fair
Sin separates us from God and makes us sad.
3. Rooi bladsy praat oor Jesus Christus en Sy kruisdood vir ons sonde: Rom. 5:8-9 sê dat Jesus vir ons gesterf het en vir ons vrygespreek van ons sonde.  
*  God het sy Seun gestuur om ons Redder te wees. Jesus is gebore in 'n stal in Bethlehem.  Daar het die herders en wyse manne Hom gevind en Hom aanbid.  Hy het grootgeword in Nasaret saam met sy ma Maria en sy aardse pa Josef.
*  Toe Hy ongeveer 30 jaar oud was, het Hy   aan die kruis  op Golgotha gesterf om ons te red van ons sonde
*  Jesus het God se straf vir al die sonde van die wêreld op Hom geneem
3.  The red page speaks about Jesus Christ, and His death for sin
Rom. 5:8,9 – “Christ died for us – we are justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him”
.  God sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to be our Saviour.   Jesus was born in Bethlehem in a stable.  There the shepherds and wise men found him and worshipped Him.  He grew up in Nazareth with his mother, Mary and his earthly father Joseph. 
.  Jesus died at the age of 30 on a cross in Jerusalem (Golgotha) to save us from our sins
.  Jesus took God’s punishment for all the wrong things we have done
4. Skoon bladsy praat van vergifnis – Vergifnis beteken dat al die verkeerde dinge wat jy dink, doen en sê is nie meer ‘n probleem tussen jou en God nie.  God neem die sonde wat jy voor Hom kom bely weg en maak asof dit nooit gebeur het nie.  In die Bybel staan daar “Ek sal hul sonde wegneem en nooit weer daaraan dink nie.  (Jer. 31:34) Het jy al hierdie Koning ontmoet?   Is jy reg as Koning Jesus weer kom om vir jou te  kom haal?  Hoe kan jy reg wees? 
Maak seker jy is sy kind.  Hoe?  Bid tot God en loof Hom omdat Hy goed is.  Bely jou sonde.  Vra dat koning Jesus jou sal vergewe en jou God se kind sal maak.
Aanvaar die belofte in Joh. 1:12:  “Aan almal wat Hom aangeneem het, die wat in Hom glo, het Hy die reg gegee om kinders van God te wees.”
Hierdie skoon bladsy vertel vir ons dat die oomblik wat jy God se kind word, maak Hy jou hart witter as sneeu en woon die Heilige Gees in jou.
Vertel hierdie goeie boodskap aan almal hierdie Kerstyd sodat meer mense in Jesus kan glo en Hom verwag as Hy weer kom op die wolke!
4.  The white page speaks about salvation – especially about justification
2 Cor. 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us – that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”
When we trust Jesus Christ as our Saviour, God forgives all our sins
He sees us as pure and as clean as Jesus Christ
Rom. 10:13 – Do you want to be saved?  Call on the Lord Jesus.  Confess your sins and ask God to help you to live a life according to His will.
Accept the promise in John 1:12 that when you believe, you are a child of God
Accept Jesus Christ as the Saviour of the world this Christmas and tell the good news of our His birth and death to all the people you get in touch with this Christmas.
5. Groen buiteblad van woordlose boekie praat van geestelike groei: As jy God se kind is, wil Hy hê jy moet geestelik groei. 2 Pet. 3:18. Vra God om jou te help om geestelik te groei met die hulp van die Heilige Gees wat in jou woon.   Jy kan groei deur hierdie 5 dinge te doen:
  1. Lees jou Bybel – God se Woord
  2. Bid tot God jou Koning
  3. Getuig van jou Koning
  4. Bely dadelik sonde wat jy doen
  5. Gaan kerktoe saam met ander gelowiges
In jou eie krag kan jy nie geestelik groei of vir God verheerlik nie, maar die Here belowe in Hebr. 13:6 dat Hy ons Helper is.  Vra Hom vir krag elke dag
5.  The green cover speaks about spiritual growth after salvation
1 Pet. 2:2 “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby”
.  Grow by reading Bible
.  Grow by talking to God regularly
.  Grow by telling others about the Lord Jesus
.  Grow by confessing sin to God
.  Grow by meeting regularly with other Christians and by attending a good church
In your own strength you cannot live as a child of God, but trust God and accept the promise in Hebrews 13:6 “The lord is my helper…."


Object lesson about GOOD NEWS!


TRUTH: God has got good news for every boy and girl.

VISUALS: A newspaper, a radio, and a Bible.

LESSON: Have you every seen a weather vane? Do you know what it is? You can sometimes see it on the top of high buildings like a church steeple or a tower.

Often it has four letters on it - N for North, E for East, S for South, and W for West. And on top of the letters there is usually an arrow with some object like the figure of a man or a bird like a rooster on it. As the wind blows the arrow and figure rotate and show you the direction of the wind.

But these four letters also make up a short but very interesting word if you rearrange the letters. Can you think of what that word is? (Give an opportunity to respond). N E W S. News. We often use this word.

“Do you have any news?”

 “What’s the news?”

“I’m listening to the news.”

The news tells us what is happening in the world, or in our own city or area.

The news tells us what is important – and the things which we need to hear.

How do we hear the news?

Sometimes in Africa they pass on the news by beating drums.

Years ago the Indians in North America passed on the news by using

smoke signals.

Today we can read the news in the newspaper (Show one).

We can listen to the news on the radio (Show one) or read it in letters. We can see the news on television or the Internet.

And there are many other ways to read or hear the news.

But the greatest, the best, and the most important, news of all is contained in this book which I am holding. It is called the Bible. God chose a number of men whom He guided to write down for us the news that Jesus Christ died for our sins, that He rose again and that He will save and forgive the sins of every boy or girl who puts their trust in Him. That is good news for everyone.

One morning a missionary in Africa saw someone walking towards his house.

It was a man dressed in skins and leading some kind of animal by a rope. As he got nearer the missionary saw that the animal was a goat. When he got closer to the missionary he asked him, “Have you got the book?”

“What book?” asked the missionary.

The stranger replied, “The book that gives the good news.”

The missionary went into his house and brought out a Bible written in an

African language.

The man dressed in skins said, “Where does it give the news about God’s love.”

The missionary turned to John 3 v16 and read, “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.”

“That’s it”, he said, “Give me the book and I’ll give you the goat.”

And away he went on his journey home with joy on his face. He had got the good news!

Have you got the good news? Have you read the good news? Have you trusted the Saviour Whom God sent into the world to die for your sin?

(“Bible talks for children” - page 29 – Dr. Sam Doherty)
CEF Song:  Good news, good news, Christ died for me
                 Good news, good news, If I believe.
                 Good news, good news, I'm saved eternally
                 That's wonderful, EXTRA, good news!

Christmas object lesson



TRUTH: The child who trusts Jesus Christ receives the gift of eternal life.


Cut six ten-inch squares from sturdy cardboard or construction (manilla) paper.

Tape the squares together and print the letters G-O-D-S S-O-N. If

you use dark cardboard, cover one side with light coloured paper. This will

make the letters more legible and the box more attractive. Line the inside of

the cross with gold paper. Attach a piece of bright coloured yarn to the top

and bottom of the cross. The yarn should be long enough to wrap around the

box. Fold the cross into a box with the letters on the outside and tie.


Do you like to receive presents? What is the most wonderful present you have

ever received? (Give an opportunity to respond).

I want to tell you today about a very special present you can receive today. It

is far better than any present you have ever received. What is it? This gift box

will help you to find the answer.

You can see that there is a letter on each side of the box which will give us

clues as to what the gift is (For every letter mentioned, turn the box so children

can see the letter).

This side of the box has a “G” on it (Show that side of box). I wonder if this

gift could start with the letter “G”? Could it be something made of gold – a

gold watch or a gold necklace, or a gold ring? Or could it be a Game boy? But

here is an “S”. What could that stand for? Could it be silver or socks or soap?

What do you suppose “D” stands for? (Give an opportunity to respond). It

might mean a doll, or a diamond, or a dollar. Let’s see. There are more letters

here. What could “N” stand for? A necklace, a newspaper, a Nintendo, or

some nuts? What about “O”? It could be an oil painting or just something old

or odd. But there is only one way to find out what is in our box – and that is to

open it (Untie yarn and unfold the box to reveal the side of the cross with no

letters). Do you know that the greatest gift anyone can receive is the gift of

eternal life? And the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, died on the cross to give

us this gift (Reverse the cross and point to the letters that spell GOD’S SON).

He took the punishment for our sin which we deserved and when we trust

Him as our Saviour we receive the gift of God which is eternal life through

Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6 v23). And that is the best gift of all – to

know that you will live forever in that wonderful place called Heaven.

If you have already received this gift be sure to thank the Lord Jesus Christ

for it.

(Lesson from Dr. Sam Doherty’s book “Bible talks for children” – page 25)


Sunday, 10 November 2013


Hierdie tyd van die jaar wil almal oefen vir 'n kersspel voor die skole sluit.  Hier is 'n kersspel wat ons by 'n Child Evangelism Fellowship werkswinkel gekry het en al 'n paar keer gebruik het.  Dit dra 'n sterk boodskap en die gehoor geniet dit baie. 

Verslaggewer in besige inkopiesentrum  -  almal doen laaste kersinkope.  Verslaggewer ondervra sekere mense: 
Verslaggewer: “Goeie môre! My naam is Jan van “Radio in Afrika”.  Baie welkom by ons spesiale program oor wat in ons omgewing aangaan hierdie Kerstyd.  Soos u kan sien is almal besig om kersinkope te doen en baie besig.  Besighede doen besonder goed vanjaar en almal, Heiden, Jood, Mohammedaan probeer hierdie feestyd uitbuit om hulle sakke voller te maak.   Soos U weet gedenk ons as gelowiges die geboorte van Jesus Christus ons Here.  Hierdie jaar was daar ook baie gepraat oor wie Jesus werklik is.  Is Hy werklik die Messias.  Kom saam met ons en ontdek saam met my wat die mening van ons mense is!” 

Verslaggewer aan seun:  “Môre Boet,  ek wil graag van jou weet of jy weet waaroor Kersfees werklik gaan? Glo jy in Jesus wie se geboorte ons vier?” 

Seun:  “Ek dink Jesus is bedoel vir grootmense.  Ek het gehoor Hy is gebore as ‘n baba en ons dink aan Hom met kersfees, maar ek hou van Kersvader, want hy bring vir my baie geskenke.”  

Verslaggewer aan ou dame: “Môre dame, ek wil graag by u verneem wat dink u van Kersfees en waaroor gaan dit.” 

Ou dame:  “Kersfees is vir die jongmense.  Hulle hou van al die partytjies en inkopies en plesier.  Ek het net gou ‘n kalkoen kom koop sodat ek kan begin regmaak vir die groot ete.  Ons boere hou mos van lekker eet met Kersfees.”  

Verslaggewer aan arm man:  “Goeie môre meneer, kan u vir my sê wat dink u van Kersfees en van Jesus die Seun van God?”

Arm man met ‘n paar kinders:  “Nee meneer, moenie vir my vra nie.  Kersfees is net vir die ryk mense bedoel.  Jesus sorg nie vir my nie.  Ek en hierdie kinders slaap snags in kartonne op die poskantoor se stoep.  Ek kry nou en dan by die sopkombuis ‘n beker sop vir ons.  Buitendien, ek het nie geld nie so wat kan ek vir die Here gee?”  

Verslaggewer aan ryk man met sy 2 kinders:
“Goeie môre meneer, kan u vir my sê wat dink u van Kersfees en Jesus wie se geboorte ons herdenk?”

Ryk man:  “Kersfees is ‘n heerlike tyd vir my en my familie.  Ons is nou op pad om vir my kinders elkeen ‘n ski-plank te gaan koop, want ons gaan hierdie Kersfees na Switserland waar ons ‘n ski-vakansie gaan deurbring.  Ons het alles wat ons nodig het en het regtig nie behoefte aan die kerk of Jesus nie.  Dit is bedoel vir die arm en swak mense.”  

Verslaggewer:  “Dit is werklik skrikwekkend as ons sien en hoor wat mense van Kersfees dink.  As Jesus dan nie vir die jonk of oud, of arm of ryk gekom het nie, vir wie het Hy dan gekom?

Kom ons kyk terug in die Geskiedenis”:  

1  Maria en kinders:
Maria:  “Toe die engel na my kom was ek baie bang.  Ek het gewonder hoekom God ‘n engel stuur om met my te praat, want ek was jonk en arm en het geen geleerdheid gehad nie.  Toe sê die engel ek gaan ‘n Seun hê wat die Messias gaan wees.  Ek het dadelik begin om die Here te loof en te prys”:

Lees lofsang:  Lukas 1:46-50.  God het vir my ‘n geleentheid gegee om Hom te loof.   

Kinders sing: “Al was ek nie daar nie.”   

Verslaggewer:  So Jesus het gekom vir jong mense.  God kan hulle gebruik om belangrike dinge te doen.  Wat van die arm mense?  

2.  Skaapwagters het die volgende beleef: 

Eerste skaapwagter:  “Ai, dit is darem koud vannag – bewe en vryf hande.”
Twee skaapwagter:  “Warm “milo”sal darem nou lekker smaak.”
Derde skaapwagter:  “Geen probleem, ek sal gou na Bethlehem hardloop en vir ons gaan melk koop, maak julle lekker kole en sit solank die ketel op.”
Vierde skaapwagter:  “Waar gaan  jy geld kry om te koop?”
Derde skaapwagter:  “Ek sal by iemand leen of steel.  Ons is darem so arm en ruik ook sleg van hier in die veld lê.  Niemand sal vir ons wil geld leen nie.”
Eerste skaapwagter:  “Ag man, die enigste verskil tussen ons en daai ryk ouens in die dorp is dat hulle snags moet skape tel om aan die slaap te raak en ons moet skape tel om wakker te bly!”
Tweede skaapwagter:  “Dit gaan ‘n lang koue nag wees, kom ons begin maar skape tel!”
Almal tegelyk:  “Wat gaan in die lug aan?”  Skrik groot.   

Engel kom in en sê:  “Moenie bang wees nie, ek bring vir julle goeie tyding van groot blydskap vir almal!”
Skaapwagters:  “Regtig, Wat is dit?”
Engel: “ ‘n Verlosser is vandag gebore – Jesus die Here.  Julle sal Hom vind in Bethlehem, toegedraai in doeke en in ‘n krip neergelê.” 
Skaapwagters vir mekaar: “ Kom laat ons na Behtlehem gaan en hierdie dinge sien wat aan ons vertel is deur die engele”.   

Almal sing saam met CD of klavier of kitaar:  Stille Nag  

Verslaggewer:  “Nadat die skaapwagters, die arm en verstote mense van Bethlehem vir Jesus gesien het in die krip, het hulle rondgegaan en die goeie nuus aan almal vertel.”  
Verslaggewer:  “Jesus het gekom vir die jong mense, vir die arm mense, wat van die ou mense?”  

  1. In Jerusalem was daar ‘n ou man en ou vrou wat die volgende beleef het:
               Voordrag oor Simeon en Anna: 

“In die stad Jerusalem het daar ‘n ou man Simeon gewoon. 
Hy was ‘n gelowige man en Hy het God’s Woord geglo.
Hy het die stem van die Heilige Gees gehoor wat sê
Dat hy sou leef om die Messias te sien,
Die EEN wat almal sal red van sonde en kwaad.
Hy is na die tempelpoorte gelei waar hy vir Jesus Christus
Ons Here gesien het.
Hy neem hom in sy arms en prys God almagtig.
Van vreugde het hy gehuil
Al was hy oud, het hy God’s Seun gesien!! 
Anna het ook die baba Jesus gesien toe sy
Na die tempel is om te aanbid.
Sy was reeds 84 jaar.
Toe sy vir Jesus sien, het sy die Heilige gesig herken
Sy het geweet Hy was God se Seun en het dit oral gaan vertel.”

Verslaggewer:  “God het vir Anna en Simeon baie liefgehad en hulle het ‘n groot rol gespeel om aan Jesus lof te bring in die Tempel in Jerusalem.  Hulle het Hom herken as hul Verlosser.
Jesus het gekom vir die jong mense, die arm mense, die ou mense en nou bly die ryk mense nog oor.  Het hulle die Verlosser nodig?”  

4.Speel statige musiek en wyse manne staan op.  Party dra sterre op stokkies en ander dra geskenke in silwer en goud toegedraai.  

Verslaggewer:  “Baie dae nadat Jesus gebore is, het wyse manne van die ooste in Jerusalem opgedaag.  Hulle wou weet waar die koning van die Jode gebore was.  Hulle was baie ryk en het ‘n helder ster gevolg.  Niemand in Jerusalem, nie eens Koning Herodes het geweet van Jesus se geboorte nie. 

Toe die ster hulle lei na waar Josef en Maria was, het hulle voor hom neergebuig en hul geskenke gebring.  Dit was duur geskenke want hulle was baie ryk.
Wonderlik!  God het die ryk wyse manes so lief gehad dat Hy hulle met ‘n ster gelei het na die Verlosser.  Hulle het alles gehad, maar was bereid om honderde kilometers te reis om vir Jesus te aanbid.   Omdat hulle ryk was, kon hulle so baie vir Hom gee. Jesus het na die aarde gekom vir jong mense, ou mense, arm en ryk mense”.
Kinders sing:  “Geskenke met Kersfees”  

Verslaggewer:  Voordat ons ons program afsluit en vir u ‘n geseënde Kerstyd toewens wil ons vir u vra:  Het u al die grootste geskenk gekry?  Het u al vir Jesus aangeneem as u Verlosser?  Net Jesus kan al u sonde wegneem en u die versekering gee dat u die ewige lewe saam met Hom sal beërwe.”   

Sluit af met lied:  Joh. 3:16 op Stille Nag se wysie:

Johannes 3:16 (2x)  Want so lief het God die wêreld gehad, dat Hy sy enigste Seun gegee het, sodat elkeen wat in Hom glo-o-o.  Nie verlore mag gaan nie, maar vir ewig kan leef!”   

Sluit af met gebed.

Woordlose boek se oorsprong en boodskap