METHOD: Use a journal to write down the dialogue in your devotional time between you and God.  The first 6 weeks you get the method with the 5 points worked out to get into the pattern.  From then onwards until the end of December you use your own method in your quiet time, preferably with the 5 points!
1.  Start with an opening prayer
2.  Read: One chapter of 365 important chapters in the Bible per day.
3.  Think about what it tells you about God.   Is it a command, a warning, a promise or a comfort.
4.  Write a sentence about what you have learned
5.  Pray the ACTS prayer:  Adore or praise  God for who He is.  Confess your sins, Thank God for everything.  Supplication- ask  God for all you need and pray for people.

Memorize Scripture:  One portion per month.  Ask God to help you with that:
January:  Psalm 1;  February: Psalm 8; March: Exodus 20:1-17; April: Psalm 23; May: Psalm 100; June: Psalm 117; July: Psalm 121; August: Psalm 133; September: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13; October: Ps. 150; November: Matthew 5:1-12;  December:  Romans 11:33-36 

Week 1:   1 January -  Genesis 1; 2 January - Genesis 3; 3 January -  Matthew 5; 4 January - Genesis 4; 5 January - Genesis 6; 6 January - Matthew 6; 7 January -  Genesis 7  

Day 1:  Do you believe in God the Creator of heavens and earth?
Father, God, I am at the beginning of a new day and I want to  worship You, my Creator God.  Open your Word to me this morning.  In Jesus name.  Amen.
Genesis 1
How God our Creator started to create. First everything was formless, empty and dark.  God’s spirit was moving over the waters and then He started to speak:
“Let there be light” “Let there be an expanse” “Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place and Let the land produce...” “Let there be lights” “Let there be creatures in the water and birds in the sky” “Let the land produce living creatures .....”
Then God said:  “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over all the earth and creatures”.  The last verse in the chapter says that God saw  all that He made and it was very good!
Application:  Praise God that He is your Creator-God and ask Him to help you to believe in Him and tell others about Him
In one sentence what this chapter tells you about God:
A - Use Psalm 8 as a prayer and praise God for His Creation.  Confess your sins.  Thank God for everything and S – pray for all your needs

Day 2:  Do you believe that Jesus Christ paid for your sins on the Cross?

Heavenly Father you created everything so well.  Sorry that we mess up your handiwork because of our sins.  Thank you Father that in spite of our misbehaviour You are still in control of everything.  Open my heart to what you want to tell me today from your Word.
Genesis 3
3. Think
How Eve doubted and disobeyed her Creator’s words, commands and love and listened to Satan.    She picked some of the fruit that was forbidden and gave some to her husband.  One bad deed led to another and another and eventually she had to hide from her Creator God. God in His Holiness had to deal with the sin and they had to leave Paradise.  They got the rules for their punishment.   Firstly the Satan’s head will be crushed by man – the man – Jesus Christ.  The woman will deliver babies with pain and the man will work hard to provide for his household. They also got the promise in verse 15 that one day Jesus will come and crush the head of the devil. Our first Parents – Adam and Eve were responsible for us to be born in sin, but fortunately our Second Adam – Jesus Christ – paid the price to set us free.
Application: Praise God because Jesus Christ paid for all your sins – past, present and future.
4. Write
What is God teaching you today about Himself?
5. Pray
Heavenly Father I praise and worship you in the Name of Jesus Christ who gave His life to make it possible for me to come into your Presence.   Forgive me my sins of the past, the present and the future.  May I never take it for granted that I am saved by grace.  Thank you for the Holy Spirit who makes me sensitive to the wrong things in my life and help me to grow spiritually and become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen. 

Day 3:  Do you follow the standard of living of the Sermon on the Mount?

1. Prayer
Heavenly Father, I worship and adore you as my only All mighty God.  Help me to be dependent on you for every decision I make.  Open your Word to me so that I can see and learn from the rules of the Sermon on the Mount today.
2. Read
Matthew 5
3. Think
Jesus gave the sermon on the mount as a standard for Christian living. We know it is impossible to be like that.  This is only possible with God’s power in us that we can be like salt and light and love our enemies.  Nine times blessed is used to stress that the Kingdom of God is a gift and not something that we can earn. The first beatitude is that we are spiritually blessed if we know how dependent we are on God..
Application: Praise God that the Holy Spirit teaches you that in your own strength you cannot be like salt or light, but that you can do it with the help of the Holy Spirit and reach other people for His Kingdom.
4. Write
What this chapter tells you about God/Jesus/The Holy Spirit
5. Pray
Use the Beatitudes as a prayer and pray them: “Father, thank you that I am blessed when I am poor in spirit, for mine is the Kingdom of heaven.....” etc.

Day 4:  Do you give God the best offering you can?

Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name.  Give us this day our daily bread when I open your Word and speak to me....
2. Read
Genesis 4
3. Think
Adam and Eve had 2 boys – Cain and Abel.  Abel’s faith in God helped him to bring a generous offering to God, while Cain brought a thoughtless offering and became jealous because God did not accept his offering, but accepted Abel’s offering.  This jealousy led to Cain killing his brother Abel.
Application to saved:  Always give God the best you have – give yourself as a living sacrifice to God
Application to unsaved: Ask God to come into your life to help you to be His child
4. Write
What God is teaching you today
5. Pray
Make Romans 12:1-2 your prayer

Day 5: Do you please God in the way you walk with Him?

Dear Heavenly Father, you are our gracious, living God who hates sin and you have to punish sin. Help me to understand your Word when I read this chapter today
Genesis 6
3. Think
God was grieved that He made man on the earth and He wanted to destroy them.  God talked to His chosen child Noah – He was righteous and walked with God.  God gave Noah instructions to build an ark for him and his family and all the animals that are going to survive.
Application:  Please God in the way you live.  Be like Noah and walk with God
4. Write
Make notes of how you walk with God like Noah did
5. Pray
A – praise and worship God for helping you to walk with Him.  C – confess your sins to Him.  T – thank God for His mercy and grace. S – Do intercession for people who are grieving God by their conduct

Day 6: Do you live  and pray according to God’s guidelines in Matthew 6?

Father, I want to live according to your guidelines, help me to understand them and follow them when I read them now
Matthew 6
3. Think
Jesus taught us to pray in Matt. 6:9-13.  We have to worship Him, Let His Kingdom come, Pray for His Will to be done, pray for our daily bread, ask forgiveness for sins in your life, ask to be protected from temptation and evil.
Application:  Praise God that He is your Father and that  you can pray to Him because you are His child
Write  down the reasons  why we do not have to worry – Matthew 6:25-34
5. Pray
Pray the “Our Father” prayer and mean every word

Day 7: Do you do all that the Lord command you to do?

Help me dear Father, to read your word and understand what you want to tell me
Genesis 7
In Gen. 7:5 we see that Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.  This was the secret of his obedience.  He did what the Lord wanted Him to do. 
Application:  Read God’s Word regularly and ask Him to help you to do what He wants you to do.
The 10 Commandments in Exodus 20
Ask God to protect you from sin and help you to walk with Him like Noah did. Ask Him to help you keep to keep the Commandments


Week 2:  8Jan -Genesis 8; 9Jan- Matthew 7; 10Jan -Genesis 9; 11Jan -Genesis 11; 12Jan -Matthew 13;  13Jan -Genesis 12; 14-Jan - Genesis 15

Day 8:  Do you thank God enough for al His protection and help?
Thank you Father for a new day and for new beginnings and that you help us and supply in all our needs.  Bless me with your Word when I read it now
Genesis 8
How the Lord kept Noah and his family and all the animals in the ark for all the many days they were there and supplied in all their needs.  When they came out, Noah built an altar to the Lord to thank and worship Him
Application:  The Lord protects His children in the most difficult circumstances
What the Word is teaching you about God’s protection in the life of Noah and your life
Worship God for His protection and care.  Confess your sins.  Thank God for His protection in your life.  Pray for your family and ask God to protect them

Day 9: Do you make the right decisions?

Heavenly Father open my heart to the words of your Word when I read them now
Matthew 7
Do not judge? how to ask? which gate to enter? how to bear fruit? how to build?
Application:  God trough the Holy Spirit helps his children to make the right decisions and do the right things
The 5 right decisions in this chapter
Praise God that the Holy Spirit enlighten you to make the right decisions.  Confess all the wrong decisions you made. Thank God for the Bible that show you all the right decisions and that He help you to make the right decisions to be like a wise builder.  Ask God to help you and your family and friends to make the right decisions every day

Day 10: Do you accept God’s promises in His Word?

Our Father in Heaven, open your Word to me when I read this portion of Scripture
Genesis 9
How God gave Noah and his family all the plants and animals to use as food and how He gave them the covenant that there will never be a flood on the earth to destroy everything on earth.  He also gave them the rainbow as a sign of the covenant.
Application:  God shows  his love to His children by giving them promises in His Word.
What stands out in this chapter today
Praise God for His promises and ask Him to help you to hold unto the promises in the Bible.  Also ask God  to help your family and people you know to read His Word and believe in His promises.  Ask this in Jesus Name with thanksgiving.

Day 11:  Is God in control of the plans in your life?

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus Christ, and ask you to open your Word to me when I read it now
Genesis 11
How God took over the plans of the builders at Shinar when they wanted to build a tower  that reaches the heavens.  God confused the language of the builders and they called the tower “Babel”.
Application: Sometimes God has to step in to confuse your plans so that His will can be done.
What do you learn about God in Genesis 11
Praise God that He is in control of the plans in your life.  Ask Him to forgive you that you want to be in control of your own life.  Pray for your nearest and dearest to ask for God’s will in all life situations.

 Day 12: Do you understand the parables that Jesus used from nature to illustrate truths in our lives?

Our Father in Heaven, help me please to read and understand the parables in Matthew 13
Matthew 13
About the 7 illustrations in this chapter and draw them in your journal.  What are they telling you about God?
Application:   God helps His children to be open to receive the message of the Word when they  read or hear it.
The explanation of the 7 illustrations in your own words
Pray that the Kingdom of God will come in your own heart and also in the hearts of your family, other people, other countries and in the world.

Day 13:  Do you listen when God calls you to obey Him?

Heavenly Father, please help me to listen when you talk to me through your Word
Genesis 12
How Abraham obeyed God and left his country and people and followed God’s instructions.
Application:   God helps His children to obey Him when He calls them
The sevenfold promise that God gave Abraham in Gen. 12:2-3
Thank you Father that you call me to do the right things and that you help me to do them like you did for Abraham

Day 14 : Do you have the faith of Abraham?

Father, open my eyes that I may see how You and Jesus Christ delivered me from sin
Genesis 15
About Gen. 15:6 – Because of Abraham’s faith he was justified – as if he had never sinned before!
Application:  God calls us out of our bondage of sin and see us as righteous through the cross of Jesus Christ
4. Write
Gen. 15:6 and write your name in the place of Abraham
Praise God for Jesus Christ who paid the full price on the Cross so that you can righteous.  Confess the wrong things you do, say or think that hurt God and ask Him to help you to be His follower and lead other people to Him.

                                    *LOVE IS GOD’S WILL IN ACTION 

Week 3:  15January - Matthew 17; 16January - Genesis 18; 17January -Genesis 21; 18January -Matthew 21; 19January- Genesis 22; 20January- Genesis 24; 21January -Matthew 24

Day 15: Is God’s presence a reality in your life?
Teach me your way, Lord.  Show me how to glorify you
Matthew 17
How Jesus was transfigured
Application:  God’s children should stand in awe at the presence and majesty of God
4. Write
What the Lord is teaching you in this chapter
Psalm 33

Day16 :  Do you believe that nothing is impossible for God?

Heavenly Father nothing is impossible for you!  Make your Words a reality in my life when I read this chapter now
Genesis 18
Abraham had 3 visitors who brought impossible good news and bad news
Application: God’s children often receive good and bad news.  Trust God that His will be done in your life if you trust in Him
4. Write
What this chapter tells about God’s righteousness
Heavenly Father, you are a righteous God and hate sin. Forgive us our tresspasses and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Thank you that nothing is impossible for You.

Day17:  Do you live in a God-glorifying way?

Our Father in Heaven, thank you for a new day and new opportunities.  Help me when I read the Bible and help me to understand this chapter in your Word.
Genesis 21
How the Lord gave Abraham and Sarah a son in their old age and how Abraham handled all the problems in his life by calling on the name of the Lord.  Wherever Abraham stayed, he stayed in tents, he dug wells to have water for his people and animals and he built altars where he called on the Lord.
Application:  Believers should live like Abraham – worship God and be a testimony of His grace; share the living water of the Word to people;  know that the world is not our dwelling place but we are pilgrims on our way to heaven!
4. Write
What God has taught you today
Father, help me to be like Abraham – may the way I worship you, the way I proclaim the Gospel message and the way I live be God-glorifying

Day 18: Do you glorify Jesus as the King of your life?

Ask God to open His Word to your heart
Matthew 21
About Jesus’s last visit to Jerusalem before He was crucified and how He was glorified as the King of Kings by children
Application:  God’s children need to glorify Him as the King of our lives
4. Write
What does it tell you about God?  What does it tell you about yourself?
Pray the ACTS prayer

Day 19: How do you handle the tests in your life?

Ask for the opening of God’s Word
Genesis 22
How Abraham was tested and how he passed the test
Application:  When a believer is tested, hold onto God for the outcome!
4. Write
What does this chapter say about God?  What does it say about you?
Ask God to help you in times of testing to stand firm

Day20 :  Do you trust God for the right husband or wife of His choice?

Heavenly Father open my eyes and heart to your Word today
Genesis 24
How Abraham trusted God to get his son Isaac the right wife
Application:  As a believer you should trust God to lead you to the husband or wife of His choice
4. Write
Write down what Abraham said to his servant – verse 7
Thank God that He helps His children to marry the right people.  Ask Him to help your family members who are unmarried to wait for the right persons of God’s choice

Day21 : Are you prepared  for Jesus Christ’s second coming?

Father, help me to understand your Word today
Matthew 24
About the second coming of Jesus and all the signs before that
Application:  We need to be prepared to meet our Saviour in person because the day and hour are unknown
4. Write
What this chapter say about God
Ask God to help you to be prepared for His second coming

                        *May our words reflect the heart of God and His wisdom  

WEEK 4:     22-Jan Genesis 27; 23-Jan Genesis 28; 24-Jan Matthew 25; 25-Jan Genesis 37; 26-Jan Genesis 39
27-Jan Matthew 26; 28-Jan Genesis 40

Day 22 :  Do you teach your children the right way?
Lord, open the eyes of my heart to your teachings today
Genesis 27
About the lives of Isaac and his 2 sons, Esau and Jacob
Application:  The Lord helps parents to teach their children and we should be open to the Lord’s teachings
4. Write
What does the Word teach you today?
Ask God to help you and other parents to teach our children to walk in His ways

Day 23:  Do you get  comfort from God’s Word?

Help me Father to understand the Bible chapter that I am going to read now
Genesis 28
About Jacob’s dream and assurance he got from God
Application:  God gives us assurances from His Word to give us peace
4. Write
What God is teaching you today
Praise God for the wonderful assurances from His Word to comfort you

Day 24:  Are you prepared like the wise virgins for Jesus’s second coming?

Pray for the opening of the Word of God
Matthew 25
About the truths and what this chapter tells about God
4. Write
Down what you find new and challenging
The ACTS prayer

Day25:  Do you believe that even the wrong things in your life will work out for good because God is in control?

Father open your Word so that I may see what you want to teach me
Genesis 37
About the life of Joseph
4. Write
In your journal what the Lord is teaching you
The Our Father prayer

Day 26: Do you flee from temptation as Joseph did?

Father open my eyes for the Bible truths when I read them now
Genesis 39
How Joseph ran away from temptation
4. Write
What the Lord is teaching you today
Pray Ps. 51 – Dawid’s Psalm after he sinned and ask the Lord to keep you from sin and temptation

 Day 27: Do you sometimes betray or deny Jesus Christ your Lord?

 Heavenly Father when I read this chapter in your Word, open my eyes to see the suffering that Jesus went through before His crucifixion
Matthew 26
How Jesus predicted everything that was going to happen to Him and how His followers failed Him
4. Write
What the Lord is teaching you today
Praise and worship God through Jesus Christ our Lord for everything that He went through to pay the price for our sins

 Day 28:  Do you trust God with your whole heart when you need wisdom?

Our Father in Heaven, open your Word and may I learn from Joseph
Genesis 40
How Joseph gave God the glory for His wisdom
4. Write
What the Lord is teaching you today
Ask God to help you to trust Him when you need wisdom

                  * Learn from Christ then make Him known  

WEEK 5:  29-Jan Genesis 41;  30-Jan Matthew 27; 31-Jan Genesis 42; 1-Feb Genesis 43; 2-Feb Matthew 28;
3-Feb Genesis 44; 4-Feb Genesis 45

Day29 : Do you give all the honour to God when you succeed?
Heavenly Father help me to see clearly what you want to teach me in your Word today
Genesis 41
How God helped Joseph from a prisoner to be in charge of Egypt
4. Write
What does this chapter tell you about God’s protection and help
Ask God to help you to see your stumbling blocks as stepping stones

 Day 30: Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your only Saviour?

Lord, open your Word so that I may see Jesus, my crucified Saviour
Matthew 27
About the things that happened when Jesus died – the curtain that was torn from the top to the bottom
4. Write
What the crucifixion of Jesus means to you
Pray Ephesians 1:3-11

 Day 31 : Do you trust God to help you to forgive them who tresspass against you?

Father, help me to read your Word and let the words change me
Genesis 42
How God was in control of the situation with Joseph and his brothers
4. Write
What stand out in this chapter
The Our Father prayer

 Day 32: Do you love your family?

Open my eyes to the truths in your Word, dear God
Genesis 43
How Joseph was overwelmed to see his youngest brother
4. Write
What this chapter tells you about brotherly love
Ask God to help you to love your family and pray for them

Day 33: Do you believe that Jesus arose from the dead after three days?

Dear Heavenly Father, help me to read this chapter this morning and believe the truths with my whole heart
Matthew 28
How everybody reacted after the news that Jesus arose from the dead
4. Write
What was the command  Jesus gave his disciples and also to us – Matt. 28:19
Father, thank you that Jesus rose from the dead to show that He conquered the death and Satan. Help me to go to all the nations with the Good News of Jesus who is alive! 

 Day 34: Do you care about the wellfare of your own family and other people?

Father, open my heart to the Words of your Word
Genesis 44
About the change in Joseph’s brothers
4. Write
What God tells you in this chapter
Father help us to take care of our brothers and sisters and family members

Day 35:  Do you see everything happening to you that God allows it or plan it?

Pray for the opening of the Word of God when you read it
Genesis 45
How Joseph did not blame his brothers, but assured them that God sent him ahead of them
4. Write
What this chapter tells you
Commit yourself to God and his plans for your life

*A change in behavior begins with Jesus changing our heart  

Week 6: 5-Feb Mark 6;  6-Feb Genesis 50; 7-Feb Exodus 1; 8-Feb Mark 8; 9-Feb Exodus 2; 10-Feb Exodus 3;
11-Feb Luke 1

Day 36 : Are you, as a disciple of the Lord, busy with the work of the Lord?
Our Father in Heaven, open your Word so that I can see what you want to teach me
Mark 6
How Jesus sent out the disciples and how he supplied in the needs of others
4. Write
What the Word is teaching you
Pray the Our Father prayer

Day 37:  Are you a fruitful vine, whose branches feed other people?

Father, help me to understand your Word when I read this chapter
Genesis 49
How Jacob blessed his children.  Look especially at the blessing that Joseph got
4. Write
What does the Word tell you about God
Ask God to help you to be like a fruitful vine whose brances climb over a wall

Day 38: Do you trust God when your enemies are overruling you?

Heavenly Father teach me your way when I read the Bible today
Exodus 1
How God cared for his people
4. Write
What this chapter tells us about God
Praise God because he is your helper

Day39 : Are you willing to take up your cross and follow Jesus?

Father in heaven open my eyes when I read your Word this morning to see what I have to see
Mark 8
About what it cost to follow Jesus – vs. 34-35
4. Write
What are the things of God that we need to keep in mind
Pray the ACTS prayer and ask God to help you to be a steadfast follower of Him

Day 40:  Are you aware that God is protecting you daily?

Speak to me through your Word, o Lord
Exodus 2
How Moses was protected
4. Write
What does this chapter tell you about God?
Praise and worship God for His protection using Psalm 34 as a prayer

Day 41: Are you willing to go when God sends you out on a mission or do you have many excuses?

Father I praise and worship You for your Word, help me to understand what it means
Exodus 3
How the Lord called Moses for his task
4. Write
What this chapter tells you about God
Ask God to help you to be willing to obey when He gives you opportunities to share your faith

Day 42: Do you trust God when you are uncertain about how things are going to turn out?

Thank you Father for the Bible in my own language.  Help me to read it often and do be open to what you want to share with me
Luke 1
How fearful Mary was to share about her expecting a baby to all her family and future-husband and how God prepared everybody before she even talked to them
4. Write
What this chapter teaches about God
Ask God to help you to follow Him faithfully and trusting Him for every step of the way

                     * God loves each of us as if there were only one of us   

METHOD: Use a journal to write down the dialogue in your devotional time between you and God.  The first 6 weeks you get the method with the 5 points worked out to get into the pattern.  From then onwards until the end of December you use your own method in your quiet time, preferably with the 5 points!
1.  Start with an opening prayer
2.  Read: One chapter of 365 important chapters in the Bible per day.
3.  Think about what it tells you about God.   Is it a command, a warning, a promise or a comfort.
4.  Write a sentence about what you have learned
5.  Pray the ACTS prayer:  Adore or praise  God for who He is.  Confess your sins, Thank God for everything.  Supplication- ask  God for all you need and pray for people.

Week 7
12-Feb Exodus 4
13-Feb Exodus 5
14-Feb Luke 2
15-Feb Exodus 6
16-Feb Exodus 7
17-Feb Luke 4
18-Feb Exodus 8
*Our worship should not be confined to times and places; it should be the spirit of our lives
Week 8
19-Feb Exodus 9
20-Feb Luke 7
21-Feb Exodus 10
22-Feb Exodus 11
23-Feb Luke 15
24-Feb Exodus 12
25-Feb Exodus 13
*The dearest friend on earth is but a mere shadow compared to Jesus - Chambers
Week 9
26-Feb Luke 16
27-Feb Exodus 14
28-Feb Exodus 19
1-Mar Luke 18
2-Mar Exodus 20
3-Mar Exodus 32
4-Mar Luke 19
* We are at our best when we serve God from our hearts
Week 10
5-Mar Leviticus 16
6-Mar Numbers 13
7-Mar Luke 20
8-Mar Numbers 14
9-Mar Deuteronomy 1
10-Mar Luke 24
11-Mar Deuteronomy 2
*Refuge can be found in the Rock of Ages
Week 11
12-Mar Deuteronomy 3
13-Mar John 1
14-Mar Deuteronomy 4
15-Mar Deuteronomy 5
16-Mar John 3
17-Mar Deuteronomy 6
18-Mar Deuteronomy 7
*Resentment comes from looking at others; contentment comes from looking at God
Week 12
19-Mar John 4
20-Mar Deuteronomy 8
21-Mar Deuteronomy 27
22-Mar John 6
23-Mar Deuteronomy 28
24-Mar Deuteronomy 29
25-Mar John 8
*When we reflect on the power of God’s creation, we see the power of His care for us
Week 13
26-Mar Deuteronomy 30
27-Mar Deuteronomy 32
28-Mar John 10
29-Mar Deuteronomy 34
30-Mar Joshua 1
31-Mar John 13
1-Apr Joshua 2
*Respect for authority brings glory to God
Week 14
2-Apr Joshua 3
3-Apr John 14
4-Apr Joshua 4
5-Apr Joshua 6
6-Apr John 15
7-Apr Joshua 23
8-Apr Joshua 24
*No life is more secure than a life surrendered to God
Week 15
9-Apr John 16
10-Apr Judges 2
11-Apr Judges 6
12-Apr John 17
13-Apr Judges 7
14-Apr Judges 14
15-Apr John 20
J-O-Y means Jesus first, others second and yourself last
Week 16
16-Apr Judges 15
17-Apr Judges 16
18-Apr John 21
19-Apr Ruth 1
20-Apr Ruth 2
21-Apr Acts 1
22-Apr Ruth 3
*The spirit of humility and self-denial precedes a deeper and closer walk with God
Week 17
23-Apr Ruth 4
24-Apr Acts 2
25-Apr 1 Samuel 1
26-Apr 1 Samuel 2
27-Apr Acts 7
28-Apr 1 Samuel 3
29-Apr 1 Samuel 8
*God pours His love into our hearts that it might flow out to others
Week 18
30-Apr Acts 8
1-May 1 Samuel 9
2-May 1 Samuel 10
3-May Acts 9
4-May 1 Samuel 15
5-May 1 Samuel 16
6-May Acts 10
*To give your life to Christ now is to keep it forever
Week 19
7-May 1 Samuel 17
8-May 2 Samuel 5
9-May Acts 13
10-May 2 Samuel 7
11-May 2 Samuel 11
12-May Acts 15
13-May 2 Samuel 12
*Instead of living in the shadows of yesterday, walk in the light of today and the hope of tomorrow
Week 20
14-May 1 Kings 1
15-May Acts 16
16-May 1 Kings 2
17-May 1 Kings 3
18-May Acts 17
19-May 1 Kings 8
20-May 1 Kings 9
*We serve God by sharing His Word with others
Week 21
21-May Acts 18
22-May 1 Kings 10
23-May 1 Kings 11
24-May Acts 21
25-May 1 Kings 12
26-May 1 Kings 17
27-May Acts 22
*No one will know what you mean when you say, “God is love” – unless you show it
Week 22
28-May 1 Kings 18
29-May 1 Kings 19
30-May Acts 23
31-May 2 Kings 1
1-Jun 2 Kings 2
2-Jun Acts 24
3-Jun 2 Kings 4
*God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who He is.
Week 23
4-Jun 2 Kings 5
5-Jun Acts 25
6-Jun 2 Kings 6
7-Jun 2 Kings 7
8-Jun Acts 26
9-Jun 2 Kings 8
10-Jun 2 Kings 18
*Troubles are unknown, God’s providence is certain
Week 24
11-Jun Acts 27
12-Jun 2 Kings 19
13-Jun 2 Kings 20
14-Jun Acts 28
15-Jun 2 Kings 25
16-Jun 1 Chronicles 17
17-Jun Romans 1
*The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God to change hearts
Week 25
18-Jun 1 Chronicles 29
19-Jun 2 Chronicles 34
20-Jun Romans 2
21-Jun 2 Chronicles 35
22-Jun Ezra 1
23-Jun Romans 3
24-Jun Ezra 3
*Christianity is not just Christ in you, but Christ living His life through you
Week 26
25-Jun Ezra 4
26-Jun Romans 4
27-Jun Ezra 5
28-Jun Ezra 6
29-Jun Romans 5
30-Jun Neh. 1
1-Jul Nehemiah 2
*God gives us loving warnings in His Word to protect and preserve us
Week 27
2-Jul Romans 6
3-Jul Nehemiah 4
4-Jul Nehemiah 5
5-Jul Romans 7
6-Jul Nehemiah 6
7-Jul Nehemiah 8
8-Jul Romans 8
*Suffering is the fire that God uses to purify and strengthen us
Week 28
9-Jul Nehemiah 9
10-Jul Esther 1
11-Jul Romans 12
12-Jul Esther 2
13-Jul Esther 3
14-Jul Romans 13
15-Jul Esther 4
*It is better to bite your tongue than to make a biting remark
Week 29
16-Jul Esther 5
17-Jul Romans 14
18-Jul Esther 6
19-Jul Esther 7
20-Jul Romans 15
21-Jul Esther 8
22-Jul Esther 9
*Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily
Week 30
23-Jul 1 Corinthians 1
24-Jul Job 1
25-Jul Job 2
26-Jul 1 Corinthians 2
27-Jul Job 38
28-Jul Job 39
29-Jul 1 Corinthians 3
*Love the Giver more than the gifts
Week 31
30-Jul Job 40
31-Jul Job 41
1-Aug 1 Corinthians 6
2-Aug Job 42
3-Aug Psalm 1
4-Aug 1 Corinthians 7
5-Aug Psalm 19
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall – Proverbs 16:18
Week 32
6-Aug Psalm 23
7-Aug 1 Corinthians 8
8-Aug Psalm 37
9-Aug Psalm 90
10-Aug 1 Corinthians 9
11-Aug Psalm 100
12-Aug Psalm 103
The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart – Proverbs 17:3
Week 33
13-Aug 1 Corinthians 13
14-Aug Psalm 104
15-Aug Psalm 105
16-Aug 1 Corinthians 15
17-Aug Psalm 106
18-Aug Psalm 107
19-Aug 2 Corinthians 1
*True wisdom begins and ends with God
Week 34
20-Aug Psalm 145
21-Aug Proverbs 1
22-Aug 2 Corinthians 4
23-Aug Proverbs 2
24-Aug Proverbs 3
25-Aug 2 Corinthians 5
26-Aug Proverbs 4
*A heart open to God is soil in which the seed of the Word can flourish
Week 35
27-Aug Proverbs 5
28-Aug 2 Corinthians 8
29-Aug Proverbs 6
30-Aug Proverbs 7
31-Aug 2 Corinthians 9
1-Sep Proverbs 8
2-Sep Proverbs 9
* The price of our freedom from sin was paid by Jesus’ blood
Week 36
3-Sep 2 Corinthians 12
4-Sep Proverbs 31
5-Sep Ecclesiastes 3
6-Sep Galatians 5
7-Sep Ecclesiastes 12
8-Sep Song of Solomon 1
9-Sep Galatians 6
*Christ sends us out to bring others in
Week 37
10-Sep Isaiah 6
11-Sep Isaiah 40
12-Sep Ephesians 1
13-Sep Ephesians 2
14-Sep Isaiah 53
15-Sep Isaiah 55
16-Sep Ephesians 3
*Christ’s work makes us safe, God’s Word makes us sure
Week 38
17-Sep Ephesians 4
18-Sep Isaiah 61
19-Sep Ephesians 5
20-Sep Ephesians 6
21-Sep Jeremiah 18
22-Sep Philippians 1
23-Sep Philippians 2
*God comforts us so that we can comfort others
Week 39
24-Sep Jeremiah 19
25-Sep Philippians 3
26-Sep Philippians 4
27-Sep Jeremiah 31
28-Sep Colossians 1
29-Sep Colossians 2
30-Sep Lamentations 3
*You are one of a kind – designed to glorify God as only you can
Week 40
1-Oct Colossians 3
2-Oct Colossians 4
3-Oct Ezekiel 1
4-Oct 1 Thessalonians 1
5-Oct 1 Thessalonians 2
6-Oct Ezekiel 37
7-Oct 1 Thessalonians 3
*When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him. – Proverbs 16:7
Week 41
8-Oct 1 Thessalonians 4
9-Oct Daniel 1
10-Oct 1 Thessalonians 5
11-Oct 2 Thessalonians 1
12-Oct Daniel 2
13-Oct 2 Thessalonians 2
14-Oct 2 Thessalonians 3
*The powers of evil around you are no match for the power of Jesus within you
Week 42
15-Oct Daniel 3
16-Oct 1 Timothy 1
17-Oct 1 Timothy 2
18-Oct Daniel 4
19-Oct 1 Timothy 3
20-Oct 1 Timothy 4
21-Oct Daniel 5
*The only way to see life clearly is to focus on Christ
Week 43
22-Oct 1 Timothy 5
23-Oct 1 Timothy 6
24-Oct Daniel 6
25-Oct 2 Timothy 1
26-Oct 2 Timothy 2
27-Oct Daniel 9
28-Oct 2 Timothy 3
The wise woman builds her house – Proverbs 14:1
Week 44
29-Oct 2 Timothy 4
30-Oct Hosea 4
31-Oct Titus 1
1-Nov Titus 2
2-Nov Hosea 14
3-Nov Titus 3
4-Nov Philemon
*Only Jesus can fill us with a sense of belonging like we’ve never known before
Week 45
5-Nov Joel 2
6-Nov Hebrews 1
7-Nov Hebrews 2
8-Nov Amos 1
9-Nov Hebrews 4
10-Nov Hebrews 8
11-Nov Amos 2
*When we come to Christ in our brokenness, He makes us whole
Week 46
12-Nov Hebrews 9
13-Nov Hebrews 11
14-Nov Amos 9
15-Nov Hebrews 12
16-Nov Hebrews 13
17-Nov Obadiah
18-Nov James 1
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise – Proverbs 11:30
Week 47
19-Nov James 2
20-Nov Jonah 1
21-Nov James 3
22-Nov James 4
23-Nov Jonah 2
24-Nov James 5
25-Nov 1 Peter 1
*Confession is agreeing with God about  our sin
Week 48
26-Nov Jonah 3
27-Nov 1 Peter 2
28-Nov 1 Peter 3
29-Nov Jonah 4
30-Nov 1 Peter 4
1-Dec 1 Peter 5
2-Dec Micah 5
*One day Jesus will return to rule and reign
Week 49
3-Dec 2 Peter 1
4-Dec 2 Peter 2
5-Dec Micah 7
6-Dec 2 Peter 3
7-Dec 1 John 1
8-Dec Nahum 1
9-Dec 1 John 2
*Spending quiet time with God can bring quiet rest from God
Week 50
10-Dec 1 John 3
11-Dec Habakkuk 3
12-Dec 1 John 4
13-Dec 1 John 5
14-Dec Zephaniah 3
15-Dec 2 John
16-Dec 3 John
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed – Proverbs 11:25
Week 51
17-Dec Haggai 1
18-Dec Jude
19-Dec Revelation 1
20-Dec Haggai 2
21-Dec Revelation 2
22-Dec Revelation 3
23-Dec Zechariah 14
*Clothing ourselves with Jesus’ attitudes and actions shows His presence in our lives
Week 52
24-Dec Revelation 4
25-Dec Revelation 5
26-Dec Malachi 3
27-Dec Revelation 19
28-Dec Revelation 20
29-Dec Malachi 4
30-Dec Revelation 21
31-Dec Revelation 22
*When you open your Bible, ask the Author to open your heart.


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