Monday 1 July 2013

Spurgeon Gems

“This is a collection of quotations from Spurgeon’s sermons preached during the years 1880 – 1892.  These excerpts serve both as an introduction to and refreshing reminder of the glories of the Lord as proclaimed by die “Prince of Preachers.”

 “Whenever you get one inch above the ground in your own esteem, you are that inch too high!”  sermon 1895

“Let me give you a little piece of advice: do not think of yourself, but think of your Lord! Or, if you must think of yourself, for every time you give an eye to self, give twice that time to Christ!  Then shall your meditation of Him be sweet.”  - sermon 1895

“Observe that we are told to walk humbly with God.  It is of no use walking humbly away from God.  I have seen some people very proudly humble, very boastful of their humility.  They have been so humble that they were proud enough to doubt God!  They could not accept the mercy of Christ, they said.  They were so humble.  In truth, theirs was a develish humility, not the humility that comes from the Spirit of God.” – sermon 1893

“This is how we live spiritually – we breathe in the air by prayer, and we breathe it out by praise!  This is the holy respiration of a Christian’s life! Prayer and praise must be mingled in a divinely wise proportion and then they make a sweet incense, acceptable to God.  I hope we can say that we have never finished praying but that we feel we must begin singing, and that we have never finished singing but that we must begin praying! What a blessed interchange this makes for the whole of life!” – sermon 1895

“Praise is the beauty of a Christian.  What wings are to a bird, what fruit is to a tree, what the rose is to the thorn, that is praise to a child of God.” – sermon 1895

“The pastures of the Great Shepherd are wide, but the sweetest grasses grow close to His pierced feet.”  Sermon 1982.

“There is no preparation for the work of God like being with God! Go up into the solitude with Christ; and then, when He calls you, you will be fit to go forth for Him and tell what you have seen with Him in the Holy Mount.”  - Sermon 1891

“A rejoicing heart soon makes a praising tongue”  - sermon 1893

“We do not live near enough to God, do we?  I know that some of you wait upon Him day and night and you abide under the shadow of the Almighty, but I fear that there are some workers who forget to do this.  We should work with the hands of Martha, but yet keep near the Master with the heart of Mary! We need a combination of activity and meditation.  When we get that, when we inwardly retire for consultation with our Lord and then come out actively to labor for our Lord – then shall we be good stewards in the little part of the great house with which He has entrusted us.”  - sermon 1895

“A man picked himself up from the gutter and rolled up against Mr. Rowland Hill one night as he went home, and he said, “Mr. Hill, I am pleased to see you, Sir. I am one of your converts”.  Rowland said, “I thought it was very likely you were.  You are not one of God’s converts, or else you would not be drunk.”  There is a great lesson in that answer.  My converts are no good.  Rowland Hill’s converts could get drunk – but the converts of the Spirit of God, those are really renewed in the spirit of their mind by a supernatural operationn! And these are a real increase to the Church of God.” Sermon 1892.

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